Thursday, February 13, 2025

Cognitive Problems

As part of proceedings for his divorce in 2012, claimed he had suffered "cognitive problems" after a worm consumed part of his brain. According to a recording of his deposition, he sought medical advice after fearing he was suffering form a brain tumor, only to be told a dark spot on scans was ...
Which explains a lot.
Robert F. Kennedy jr., a man with no medical license or medical training in any way, was confirmed this morning as Secretary of Health and Human Services. A man who gets his medical opinions from fringe-right conspiracy theories, Influencers and citizen journalist opinions. Science can fuck off as far as he is concerned. He has said he wants a four year pause on the development of vaccines, even as we are seeing H5N1 spread to humans. He wants to eliminate Fluoride in tap water because, whatever. He thinks wifi causes cancer, and he has mentioned nothing about the fact that Measles has presented itself in several states, where unvaccinated children is at it's highest. What's the plan to fight it? Shame on the GOP congress!



 Its a dangerous time we are living in.
Pray. And protest when you can.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

No Really, I'm A Nuthatch!


“Katy stayed in the treetops, no one ever found her. Except for the squirrels and the birds all around her. At last she was free, just as free as the breeze, And how Katy did love it up there in the trees.”
~Bill Peet
The Caboose That Got Loose
I spend as much time as I can in tree tops. Not literally, obviously, but what I mean is, I am a birder, therefore my eyes are constantly gazing upwards. It's good for me, because often my moods and body condition leave me weighed down. The other day I was sitting on a bench, at the Cosumnes River Preserve Wetlands walk, when I heard a rustle in the tree above me. I was excited, perhaps this was my chance to finally capture a beautiful photo of a White-breasted Nuthatch! Ummm... nope. It was this gorgeous squirrel making all the ruckus! I was delighted! It was pretty and funny and it entertained me long enough to leave a smile on my face for the rest of the day! Nature is a great healer! Just look at these photos and argue my point!
 Go ahead, I dare you!



Thursday, January 30, 2025

I Swear To GOD I've Tried...

Link to MaddowBlog
"Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud.
 His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University."
~Mitt Romney
I swear to god that I have tried to tune out all the noise, including Donald Trump, who is mostly wind, but today he hit a new low in politicizing the plane crash that occurred in Washington D.C. and I just can't sit quiet! He's such a jackass. He took the oath of office a little over 10 days ago, and in the time he has done a lot of damage across government, but to imply that the crash happened because of DEI and democrats, with NO PROOF, is not just stupid, it is beyond cruel to the victims, families of the victims, and their friends. It sometimes take years to fully investigate the cause of the crash. YEARS! So truly, save me your conspiracy theories! I am trying so hard to not sit here with deep anger, and deep sadness, but I find myself failing magnificently. I should be posting a photo of a glorious bird, but instead Ellipsis is filing another example of yet another deep low Donald Trump has reached and how it affects a little fish like me. I am already tired.

Tomorrow I will post something of beauty.
I promise.




Tuesday, January 21, 2025

I Went On A Winter Walk In My Wheelchair

Cosumnes River Wetlands Walk
Galt, California
January 15th, 2025
“At this season of the year, darkness
 is a more insistent thing than cold.
 The days are short as any dream.” 
~E.B. White
I am slowly finding the beauty of winter. I will never be a winter person, my arthritis and scoliosis won't allow it, but I forgot how interesting shadows can be. I can see more birds because the leaves have all fallen from the trees, although I will post tomorrow about a truly beautiful leaf I found on the Consumes River Wetlands Walk. Winter brings new sounds from the sky. I am up to 69 birds in the file for 2025. That's roughly half of what I go all last year, and I will probably add more tomorrow, when I go to Monterey! I am looking forward to real life for a while. I will be back to posting about politics at some point, but for now, there is winter in the real world.



Monday, January 20, 2025

And Your Point?


“Legal plunder has two roots: One of them,
 as I have said before, is in human greed; 
the other is in false philanthropy.” 
~Frédéric Bastiat,
This happened 10 days ago, and today he becomes president. It doesn't matter, I have given up. I have no more shits to give. If America is this damn stupid, why the actual fuck should I try to change their mind? How dare I! Today, rather than face his disgusting inauguration, I am off to find some new birds for the file, and afterwards enjoy a lovely dinner out with my husband. In other words, I am not going to give him the power I did the last time around. I am going to enjoy my life as much as possible. Oh, I am sure I will vent my anxieties from time to time, but for the most part, I am choosing to be happy!
I am really going to try to be a whole person.
Sigh. God I miss, Dylan.


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Happy New Year, 2025


Yes, I'm back, and with plenty to say, but just not today. Today I am off to do some birding, as this is the first day of our birding adventure for the year. So, see you tomorrow, when I will get the whole thing caught up. The thing I refer to as, LIFE, then and now.
See you then. 
Happy New Year!