"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin, what else does a man need to be happy?"
-Albert Einstein
Oranges, lemons and limes oh my! It's the middle of summer, and CITRUS FRUITS are abundant everywhere! Photographers, grab your cameras and show us the CITRUS FRUIT you enjoy the most! Try thinking outside the box. Love oranges? Great! Show us the orange any way you like! Orange juice, orange sections, orange mimosas, you might even consider orange jelly candies, oh and let's not forget orange marmalade! The same works for limes, grapefruit, or any CITRUS FRUIT!
Extra Credit: Tell us, or show us your least favorite CITRUS FRUIT!
Guidelines for Assignment Submissions...
1.The EMPS closes each Sunday evening at 9:00 PM (ET). No submissions will be accepted after that time.
2. Submit your entry by getting your photo, uploading it to you blog or website, and then comeback here and leave me your link in the comment thread. PLEASE REMEMBER... THE LINK YOU LEAVE MUST GO BACK TO AN ENTRY WHICH IS SPECIFIC TO THIS WEEK'S ASSIGNMENT! A general link to your site will not do, and will not be added to the list of those participating the following Monday. HYPERLINKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED!
3. Please be sure to provide a link back to the assignment in your submission, so your readers can find the assignment and join us. Everyone is welcome to play along!
4. Please keep in mind that the image you submit for the EMPS assignment, must be your own original photography. NO LIFTING!
Participation List for EMPS #133: Butterflies 07/18/2011
1. Jama
2. Vicki
3. hapzydeco
4. MaryEllen
5. Karen
Folks, I am continuing to have some issues with carpal tunnel in my hand, so, for the foreseeable future I won't be commenting on your individual blogs, instead I will be making a comment here, next to your name, on the participation list which is posted each Monday. Doing things this way saves me a few steps. Continue to play as usual, I will be around to see your assignment entries each week... I promise. :) I need to follow the doctor's advice... hope you understand. :)
See you next Monday!