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"Unless your heart, your soul, and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty, and each action will be meaningless. Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness."-UnknownRRC: RootsSuggested by Vicki, author of the blog, MaracaIt's here... our first RRC of 2010! I enjoyed the time off from this project, but it's a lot of fun to back. I had to go to the archives for this one. I took a very nice series of photos in Golden Gate Park a couple years ago, it was in autumn, of course, but I don't think I posted these particular photos before, so I hope you enjoy them. Okie Doke... that's what I came up with, now go have a look at the entries of the other Round Robin participants...Linking List (As of 12:54 PM PST, Saturday, January 2nd)1. Karen
Posted!2. LindaPosted!3. Carly
Posted!4. JamaPosted!5. PeggyPosted!6. Monica
7. Gemma8. SuzannePosted!9.
SherriePosted!10. Julie Posted!11. GattinaPosted!12. VickiPosted!Be sure to check the Round Robin blog tomorrow, to find out what our next challenge will be!-CarlyPS... There is still time to play along with the Monday Photo Shoot, and this week's edition of the Weekend Assignment. :)
"Cheers to the New Year, and another chance for us to get it right."-Oprah WinfreyHAPPY NEW YEAR!-Carly
"An optimist stays up till midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old one leaves."-Bill VaughnWell, didn't 2009 just suck rocks? The death of some of my favorite celebrities, a near economic depression, both nationally and in our own home... LOL... I haven't hated a year so much since 1995, the year that brought me Epstein-Barr and the death of my father. I still miss my dad. I would have loved to know what he thought about Sarah Palin. Knowing my dad, he would have been beside himself for the entirety of the Bush Administration. LOL. And when gas approached nearly $5.00 a gallon, well, let's just say I could hear him turning over in his grave! LOL. Oh my, but Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving, and I know he an I would have shared a laugh or two at her expense. Yea, I come by my sense of humor honestly, I got it from my Dad. Thanks for that Dad!:)It's up to you if you believe we start the new decade this year or next, as for me, I think I am going to start things now. I am officially letting go of the "AUGHTS." Here's to the "EENS."-Carly

"Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you are forced to."
-Bill Vaughn
New Year's is upon us, so, let's take a look back at what we all did this last year, as far as our photography went. This week's photo shoot assignment is to create a gallery of your best photography from 2009. Best in this case doesn't necessarily mean the photos you thought were perfect, best can also mean the ones you simply enjoyed taking the most. How you choose the photos for your gallery is completely up to you. You can choose a special gallery, such as florals, or landscapes, or maybe you will choose to highlight your best portraits. It's all up to you, but the photos you choose MUST be from 2009, and of course, your photos can be previously published.
EXTRA CREDIT: Caption the photos you choose for your gallery.
As always, this photo shoot assignment closes next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. Please try to submit your entry for this assignment by that time, because I close the comment thread promptly at that time. Please submit your entry by getting your photo, posting it to your blog, journal or website, and then comeback here with the direct link back to it. REMEMBER the link you leave must go back to an entry which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment, a general link to your site will not do, and NO HYPERLINKS ARE ACCEPTED! Also, I would appreciate it if you would link back to the assignment so other folks can find us, and participate as well!
Linking List for EMPS #69: Holiday Music 12/21/09
1. Suzanne
2. Liz
3. Carly... Yep, I participated also!
4. Karen
Thanks so much for all your participation in the Monday Photo Shoot this year, your support of this project has been appreciated more then you know! I am looking forward to seeing all your photography in 2010! You are awesome photographers, and you are only getting better!
Remember, the return of the Round Robin Challenges is this coming Saturday! Our first challenge of the New Year will be... "Roots."