Thursday, August 27, 2020

Autumn In Everything

"Days decrease and autumn grows, autumn in everything."

~Robert Browning

The sun is finally shining again. The smoke from the wildfires has cleared, so that autumn light, that always starts in late august, is free to come through the bedroom window.That window has the morning light, and the autumn light hitting the mirror is so pretty. It's easy to wake up happy when that's the first thing you see in the morning.

I am beginning to see little bit of autumn everywhere. In the trees. In the colors catching my eye. In silly disregard chairs. In the fruits and veggies at Central Valley fruit stands. In fish at the cute little Oakdale Cheese and Specialties, in Oakdale, California. We visited there last Saturday, and even the Koi in the pond had me thinking of autumn, which is on a breath away. 

I always think of autumn as the great corrective of the year. The Equinox will fix it, whatever "it" is. This year, there is a lot of pain caused by the pandemic and wildfires. Life during the pandemic and all the Trump drama has made life so difficult, but hope is waiting like a superhero, and in just a few weeks it will fly in, and with it comes everything I love, including vacation, and while everything is Covid-19 hesitant, and scaled down, leaf peeping remains constant. I picked a good subject to specialize in. Wonderful, glorious, magnificent autumn in all it's beauty. That's one thing the pandemic can't touch. 

Autumn in everything. 

Things are going to get better. In time.

August 27th, 2020
Stockton, California

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Common Sense In The Time Of Covid

"Every day I wake up in a parallel universe."

~Steven Magee

I see faces in things. The other day I saw the face on this cute little cart at the grocery store. I also saw the opportunity to make a statement about covering your face, during the Covid-19 pandemic. It's the easiest thing to do, to help in the fight, and yet folks won't do it. I am not going to go into it, history will write it, I am just going to keep wearing my masks and hoping for the best. I have been home since March, with no end in sight, but at least I know that I have done the best I can, to not be a selfish spreader of the worst pandemic in over 100 years. Yes, history will tell that tale, and it breaks my heart to think of how sad it might be!

August 26th 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Reality Of The Same Intensity

"The object of art is not to reproduce reality
 but to create reality of the same intensity."

-Alberto Giacometti

I had been wanting to photograph this old motel for a long time. The first time I spotted it, was five years ago, when I moved to Stockton. I was on the freeway, on my way to my new house, from the motel I had been living in, in Turlock. Man, it was the longest summer in that Turlock motel, waiting for the condo to built, and then when that situation blew up, it was even longer while house hunting, but we eventually found our home and our community. It was scary, but having a brand new canvas of possibilities was good. New sights and sounds. New things to photograph. New histories to learn.Too bad I just wasn't in the right head space to embrace it, but still, that didn't stop me from taking a visual note of that great sign, so that when I was ready, I would know where to go for inspiration.

I edited two versions, color and black/white. Frankly, I am not sure which I like best. The color shows it's original funky mid-century style of not just the lines, but the overuse of that hideous orange color. Funny how folks felt about color back then. Orange and turquoise? And yet I have seen more than one building, from that era, that had that exact color scheme. Stockton is full of it, and for some inexplicable reason, it's growing on me. The black and white is really great because it's like I had to step into an old movie to accomplish the photo. Both are great. Maybe I will leave it up to Twitter to decide.

 Feel free to leave me your thoughts. 

August 25th 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Path Forward

The reflection of the sun, as filtered with smoke from the Central and Northern California wildfires.

"I don't know whether you can look at your past and find, woven like the hidden symbols on a treasure map, the path that will point to your final destination."

~Jodi Picoult
Handle With Care 

Okay, time to get caught up. My last post, before I broke for the season, was dated March 23rd, which means there is a lot to share here as far as my photography goes. So, less words tonight, more photos from the last 6 months or so. Happily, despite the pandemic, I managed a fair amount of new photography, mostly shared on Twitter, and Google photos, of course. I keep forgetting to update my Twitter TL to link directly, I am not sure what they mental block is all about but from now on, no excuses. It's time to get my shit together. It actually feels good to be motivated, its been a while since I felt that way. Hey, it was bound to happen at some point... right? I mean how long could I continue hiding from life?

Enough with the wordiness. Time for the photographs to speak.

This was just a sampling of my work since January, I did a lot more photos and subjects. If you'd like to see more click on the link below to be redirected to my Google album for this year. Feel free to leave me any feedback you want, just be respectful.

August 24th 2020
Stockton, California


Sunday, August 23, 2020

17 Years! And 2020!

 "All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another persons (or things) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out the moment and freezing it, all  photographs testify to times relentless melt."

 ~ Susan Sontag


So, here I am, celebrating my 17th year of this blog and what happens? Blogger changes it's entire formatting process, and I am having to sit here and learn it, as I type this, a whole new system of formatting! It's a situation that just couldn't be more 2020 if it tried! Sheesh! Oh well, it will be a challenge, and a welcome distraction from all this pain and uncertainty, and HEY, I'm officially back, and that feels good! 17 years, who would have believed it?

If you're wondering about the photo... it's a representation of what the sky, in my world, has looked like this past week. There are currently, little, AND BIG, fires everywhere, caused by lightning strikes all around the Bay Area, North Bay, San Mateo Peninsula, and Monterey Bay. We had hellish temperatures a week ago, and it all came together to create the worst possible conditions. Now the sky, and air, is reminding me a lot of how thing were in 2018, during the Camp Fire in Paradise.

 I will touch on all this again in the coming days. For right now I just want to be glad I am home, on my blog for another year. We are coming up on the political debates, autumn equinox, our vacation in October, Halloween and of course, the national election on November 3rd. I will be doing a ton of new photos this year, to document it all! Things are just getting good!


 Stay tuned!



August 23rd 2020 

Stockton, California