August 27th, 2020
Stockton, California
~ Susan Sontag
So, here I am, celebrating my 17th year of this blog and what happens? Blogger changes it's entire formatting process, and I am having to sit here and learn it, as I type this, a whole new system of formatting! It's a situation that just couldn't be more 2020 if it tried! Sheesh! Oh well, it will be a challenge, and a welcome distraction from all this pain and uncertainty, and HEY, I'm officially back, and that feels good! 17 years, who would have believed it?
If you're wondering about the photo... it's a representation of what the sky, in my world, has looked like this past week. There are currently, little, AND BIG, fires everywhere, caused by lightning strikes all around the Bay Area, North Bay, San Mateo Peninsula, and Monterey Bay. We had hellish temperatures a week ago, and it all came together to create the worst possible conditions. Now the sky, and air, is reminding me a lot of how thing were in 2018, during the Camp Fire in Paradise.
I will touch on all this again in the coming days. For right now I just want to be glad I am home, on my blog for another year. We are coming up on the political debates, autumn equinox, our vacation in October, Halloween and of course, the national election on November 3rd. I will be doing a ton of new photos this year, to document it all! Things are just getting good!
Stay tuned!
August 23rd 2020
Stockton, California