"You know what my philosophy of life is? That it's important to have some laughs, but you got to suffer a little too, because otherwise you miss the whole thing."
~Woody Allen
25 Years: ON Love Beginning With The First Date...
Today is the day, in more ways than one! First things first! 25 years ago today, Alan and I went on our first official date! We had known each other since May of 1977, and at first we really couldn't stand each other, then he went off to collage, and I went off to collage, and we didn't see each other for quite a while, but while the both of us were off in different directions, we both grew up! When we met again in the early 80's, I had grown a little more patience about stuffy conservatives, and he was a little more open to the arguments of bleeding heart liberals such as myself!
Ronald Reagan was the president at the time, and so understanding could only go so far!
We agreed to disagree about Ronald Reagan.
By the time the Reagan administration was over, I had converted Alan to a liberal. Thank you very much! LOL. Actually, I think it had less to do with me and my values, and more to do with Ronald Reagan himself. I really didn't have to do much, Alan saw the light all on his own! LOL.Which is kinda nice, because I don't think I would have ever married a conservative. It just wouldn't have worked.
I found that out when I dated a minister for about 6 months, also during the Reagan administration! I call those years, my years of enlightenment!
Anyway, here we are 25 years later, and Alan and I are happily married, and we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our first date, by going to see Woody Allen's newest film,
Blue Jasmine. After the movie, we are going into San Francisco, to eat dinner at one of the restaurants featured in the film! It has been our plan, for over a year, to spend the day this way! We have enjoyed his films very much over the years, and it's a good way to spend
this anniversary methinks!
Ellipsis: A Decade Of Life On A Blog...
There is another anniversary associated with this day... it's the 10th anniversary of my blog Ellipsis. It was 10 years ago, that I began this blog as my AOL Journal, Ellipsis. We all know that AOL Journals came and went, really too fast, but while I was there I made some really good friends, some of which I am still in contact with today. Karen, Patrick, Duane... I love you all! And there are many others who don't blog anymore, but I still correspond with from time to time.
I love all my pals, but I can't help but think of my friends that were lost to us, especially, Steven, who had begun his AOL Journal, just one day before I did, and was always one of my most supportive friends. He taught me so much about photography, and gave me so much good advice about blogging, I can't help but feel a little sad because I can't drop by his blog today, and say HI, like we always used to do on our blogging anniversaries.
I miss you Steven.
So, this day has a lot of really good, happy memories attached to it, but some bittersweet ones as well. Still, I look forward to August 23rd every year! And while I might just be a bit blue, I am so thankful for all the wonderful, fun, happy memories that make this day in the universe so special for me. It's a good day. I am a happy girl.
How To Star In A Woody Allen Movie Without Really Trying...
Okay, so I will be posting my review of Blue Jasmine, and my critique of the restaurant we are eating at tomorrow night in my Ellipsis post on Sunday, because tomorrow, Saturday, is the next round of the
Round Robin Challenges: Gone. If you can play along, be sure to, because this could just be one of the best subjects yet! Karen has been doing a magnificent job with the challenges, so if you haven't played in a while... or ever... come on and join us! I know Karen would love to have you!
It was just about a year ago this week that Alan and I were in full swing, following Woody Allen around San Francisco. It's an odd feeling seeing him in person, let alone as he works his movie making magic. It can make one feel as if you are in a Woody Allen movie! It's hard to explain, but I will try to convey what it's like when I do my reviews on Sunday, so you will just have to stay tuned!
Stay Tuned!
"It's a wonderful thing to be able to create your own world whenever you want to."
~Woody Allen
Mood: Happy
~Me :)