-Scott Adams
My pal, and Round Robin teammate, Karen, has chosen one of my ideas, submitted to the challenge pool during our last suggestion round, "Public Art." I love Public Art, and chase it around the Bay Area as much as possible. It's nice when there is a big project being shown in one place, such as the Cool Globes that are being shown along the Chrissy Field promenade. Out of all the globes I saw at the exhibit, this one ended up being my favorite. "Food For Thought" by artist, Nicholas Kashian. The "Cool Globes" project was brought about to bring awareness to Global Warming, by reminding us of how we can work together to help ourselves as we help the planet.
The project began in Chicago, in 2007, and after it's overwhelming success, it continued on to San Diego, Washington D.C., San Francisco, and after that it will be debuting in London in 2009! Each city brings it's own unique message to the globes, as regional artists select themes to represent the areas the globes are being shown in. This project will be around through October 12th, so I kinda think I will be out with the camera again before it closes. There are a lot of powerful messages that go with the globes, like the one Bill Clinton made in his Global Warming Initiative...
"Global Warming Inititive"
"It no longer makes sense for us to debate whether or not the Earth is warming at an alarming rate, and it doesn't make sense for us to sit back and wait for others to act. The fate of the planet that our children and grandchildren will inherit is in our hands, and it is our responsibility to do something about the crisis."
-Bill Clinton ( Global Warming Initiative)
Along the Chrissy Field Promenade
"Support Organic Products" By Vicky Tesmer
"Chicago's Green Roofs" By Mason Dixon
It's an amazing project, every city in America should really do more to raise awareness to the various challenges we face. Art can be a powerful medium for change, especially when we get children involved. I saw a lot of families that day, stopping to read the messages together. I wish there were more art programs being offered in public schools, but here it is, 2008, and sometimes I think we haven't learned a damn thing!Here are some additional examples of Bay Area Public Art, that I have particularly enjoyed...
"Crouching Spider" By Louise Bourgeois (S.F. Embarcadero)
The Hawk For Peace By Alexander Calder (Berkeley Art Museum)
"The Dreamer" by Pepe Ozan (Golden Gate Park 2007)
Follow the art. Just click on the links below to see the Public Art the other Robins found for this challenge. And remember there is still time to play, just visit the official Round Robin blog for all the details.
Karen... Outpost Mavarin (Posted)
Momma... Sandcastle Momma (Posted!)
T.J. ...T.J.'s Photo Blog (Posted!)
Annie... Pictures of Craziness and Me and My Phone
Wammy... The Ellis Family Cincinnati (Posted!)
Vicki... Maraca (Posted!)
Molly... Return of the White Robin
Pamela... The Dust Will Wait (Posted!)
Swampy... Anecdotes, Antidotes and Anodes
Sahvvy... Instantaneous Exsistence
Em Dy... Captured Beat (Posted!)
Jama Hameed... Sweet Memories (Posted!)
Jennifer Robin... Robin's Woods (Posted!)
Teena... It's all about me! (Posted!)
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures (Posted!)
"Food For Thought"
Chrissy Field Promenade
San Francisco, California
August, 2008