"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way... things I had no words for."
-Georgia O'Keffee
Thanks for all your wonderful WINTER DAYS/COLD THINGS photos this past week. As I type this there is a fair amount of rain falling, with more on the way, and there is also a hint of snow for Bay Area mountaintops in the forecast. Well done! Now, on to this week's assignment...
EMPS #24: The Color RED.
With Valentine's Day next Saturday, and February being Heart Health Awareness month, what better time to focus our attention, and camera, on the color
RED. As always, feel free to step outside the box as far as interpretation goes.
RED Beans & Rice
, RED hearts
, RED roses
, RED dogs
, a
RED crayon,
RED cream soda,
RED meat,
RED rubies,
RED cars,
RED clothing,
Rhode Island
RED chickens. You get the idea.
Extra Credit: Show me something Valentine's Day related that isn't RED!
**Please Read**
You have until next Sunday evening, at
9:00 PM ET to do the assignment, post it to your blog or journal, and comeback here with the direct link. Remember, it must be the direct link to the entry specific to this week's photo shoot assignment, not the general link to your blog or journal.
No hyperlinks accepted! Also, if it is your first time playing, be sure to let me know so I can give you a proper welcome! And please remember to link back here, so other folks can play along as well.
Linking List for EMPS #23: Winter Days/Cold Things 02/02/09
1. Judi
2. Suzanne
3. Tammy
4. Gwenlyn
5. Jama
6. Karen
7. Greg
8. Wammy
9. Mike
10. Steven
11. Terri
12. Connie
It was a wonderful turnout this week, thanks for playing along folks! Ok, that's it for this week, so, GO BE PHOTOGRAPHERS! I will see you next Monday, with an all new EMPS assignment!