-Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin
If you heard some strange distant laughter yesterday, well, that was me! You see, I heard very early in the morning that GOP presidential hopeful John McCain had chosen Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, as his running mate, and I couldn't stop laughing! Tee Hee Hee Hee. Is McCain thinking straight? Did Bush tell him to do it? Did he lose a bet? Or could it be that he is pandering to disgruntled female democrats, who are still feeling the sting of losing Hillary Clinton? If it is the latter, well, let me make it clear for him... NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS MCCAIN!!
As a woman who fits into the demographic McCain is seeking to appease, 40 somethings of the middle class, I wouldn't see myself voting for a woman who is by all indication the Anti-Hillary, in a million years! She is Anti-Roe v Wade, Anti-Environment, and Pro-War. She embraces every ideal to the exact opposite of Hillary Clinton, so why would John McCain believe for even a moment that I am so devastated after watching Hillary Clinton lose the nomination to Barack Obama that I would simply give up on my lifelong ideals to vote for just any woman on a presidential ticket? Is that what the right thinks about women such as myself? Is that the regard they have for us?If so, isn't that sad?
My reservations about voting for Obama never had anything to to with gender, they had to do with the man's policies, and his attempts of late, to establish himself as more of a centrist figure, rather then the true democratic liberal we need to fix the mess caused by the Bush administration. I have felt let down by him for most of this summer, and I have even toyed with the thought of removing him from my sidebar, but I decided to wait until the Democratic Convention, and until after I heard who his running mate would be. I am glad I waited. I more then approve of his running mate, I applaud it.
I am now, in fact, renewed in my hope that a democrat will indeed be elected to the White House. Senator Joe Biden is a strong man, with all the experience needed to do well in that office. I have always considered him a bit to the left of Hillary Clinton, which is what we need right now. In fact, while I was supporting Hillary Clinton for president, I could see Joe Biden as her running mate, although I have been very impressed with Tim Kaine, since he delivered the democratic response to the State of the Union in 2006. He would have been a good choice as well.
Anyway, I suppose that McCain chose Sarah Palin without my demographic in mind at all, instead finding someone who would appeal to republican women. I have heard a lot of republican women who are ready to see a woman in the White House. I suppose that is a possibility, but the question I have to ask those women is, do you really believe this woman is qualified to be Vice President? Really? She hasn't even been the Governor of Alaska for two years, and before that she was a member of the Wasilla, Alaska, City Counsel. That is the extent of her political career. Is that who you want as Vice President?
If so, consider the under qualified men and women that George Bush put into various offices, and the damage caused by doing so. Now, knowing that, letting experience guide you, do you really see yourself voting for that ticket? If McCain really wanted a woman for his running mate, wouldn't someone like Carly Fiorina have been a stronger choice? John McCain has learned nothing from the mistakes of George Bush. He has learned nothing about what America wants or needs. That makes him not just the worst choice for president, that makes him the most dangerous choice as well.
Opinions, opinions. Tell me what you think. Are you happy with the Democratic ticket? How about the Republican ticket? Are you even planning to vote in November? Who would your dream ticket have been? Would you vote for a woman just because she is a woman? Would you ever consider jumping ship from your political party because of race or gender? Speak your mind, lets get to know each other better! :)
Interesting Reading...
Alaska To Sue To Block Polar Bear Listing (Reuters)