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"Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart."-Washington IrvingI thought it might be a good idea if I played along with this week's Monday Photo Shoot assignment, so here is my Christmas tree. Have I told you that Alan and I named out tree Axel? Yep, we did, all those years ago. I think we bought him in the mid 90's. We were living in a little apartment at the time, and he just seemed like the most practical way to go. I love our silly little tree, after all these years, it just wouldn't be Christmas without him. Each year we purchase a new ornament for each other at the Tilden Christmas Fantasy In The Woods. We purchased the ones for this year just last night. It's a magical place, and it makes the ornaments all the more special. I can't wait to see what this year's will be! :) Less then a week to go now!Here is the way San Francisco says "Happy Holidays!"There is still time to play along! Click here for all the details!-Carly
"There is no sincerer love, then the love of food."
-George Bernard Shaw
Aren't those grape leaves gorgeous?
Yum. I made a Cheese & Vegetable Souffle for lunch today. So delicious on a cold late autumn day. It's one of my favorite lunches this time of year, because it is light. It is quick, easy and fun to make. Especially nice when I have been out all day Christmas shopping or maybe out with the camera. It's true comfort food.
How about you? Do you have something special you enjoy making for lunch or dinner this time of year? If so, tell me all about it in the comment thread. Beans & Franks? Quiche? Shrimp Cocktail? It's all good!
"The function of the imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange."
-G.K. Chesterton
It's been a week since December 10th, and I promised to update you about the day, and if anything strange happened. Well, for the most part it was a quiet day. It was windy and cloudy, so there were strange noises all day, but for the most part quiet. I didn't, however, escape the day without strangeness occurring...
The first odd thing happened around 11:00 AM. I was in my office, playing Slingo Millennium when there came a knock at the front door. I got up, walked to the door, opened it... and no one was there! I check up and down the driveway, I looked all around the house, but no one was to be found. It was spooky.
The second thing has to do with the image you see above. I don't know what happened, but suddenly, on December 10th, this strange "W" has appeared in the upper left hand corner on all new windows I try to open online! It is completely annoying, and I have NO idea where it came from! Is this happening to anyone else? I have run my anti-virus software everyday, and it says everything is fine, but if that's true where could this weird little "W" be coming from?
Is it "W" for "Windows?" Is it "W" for "Weird?" Could it be "W" in reference to George Bush? LOL.
I have to admit, the most annoying part about the weird little "W" is that it instantly reminds me of Dubya. Sigh. Yikes. :(
Do you think George Bush made some pact with the keeper of the Curse of December 10th just to annoy me?
Nah... I am not that paranoid, but gosh, couldn't we give another letter some airtime... like maybe... K, or C or perhaps... Z?
So tell me, have you been seeing the Disembodied "W?" If so, tell me all about it in the comment thread for this entry.
Yay... The Curse of December 10th Lives on!

"Nothing says holidays like a cheese log."
-Ellen DeGeneres
EMPS #68: Holiday Decorations. NOW CLOSED!
It's that time of year again! Time to start putting up decorations for the winter holidays. I know there are a lot of different holidays this month, so feel free to show us whatever decorations you like. It's all good! If you don't have your decorations up yet, show us the public decorations that are around town, in school or in your particular place of worship.
Extra Credit: Show me an heirloom decoration from your collection.
This Monday Photo Shoot assignment closes next Sunday, at 9:00 PM ET. After that time I close the comment thread and no more entries are accepted, so please do your assignment by that time. You submit your entry for the assignment by getting your photo, posting it to your blog, journal or website, and then leaving the direct link back to it. Please remember, it must be a link which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. NO HYPERLINKS ACCEPTED. Also, it would be appreciated if you put in a link back to this entry, so other folks can participate along with us.
Linking List for EMPS #67: People And Places. 12/07/09
1. Hip Chick
2. Jama
3. Karen
4.Duane I will see you next Monday with an all new photo shoot assignment!
Dont forget... The Round Robin Challenges returns, for our first outing of the New Year, on January 2nd! There is still plenty of time to R.S.V.P and join us. Visit the Round Robin Challenges HERE for all the details.
Also, If you like the Monday Photo Shoot, you might also enjoy the Weekend Assignment posted each weekend on Karen's blog. This week's topic is "DIY." Pay her a visit HERE for all the details.