"It's easier to dismiss ghosts in the daylight." ~Patricia Briggs, Dragon Bones The other day, while out in the deep woods of my favorite park, I took out my camera to document the last of the autumn leaves, and thought I saw, just up ahead of me, a ghost. I snapped it's photo, then felt a chill. Now a chill in January isn't unusual, it is January after all! But the temperature for this January has been unseasonably warm in the Bay Area, in fact according to my phone, the temperature outside at that particular moment was 80 degrees! So the chill I got was quite unexpected! Anyway, as I photographed the apparition, I began to feel uncomfortable, so I left the park early that day. Shrug. Who knows? Did I photograph a ghost that day? Or was it something I didn't even see that crept up on my subconscious? I am not sure. Tell me... do you see the ghost?
"Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away." ~Sarah Kay I had an amazing time with the Camera Wednesday. I spent some time in San Francisco, but spent most of my time snuggled up next to the coastline. Pacifica, Moss Beach, Point Montara... my goodness, I never get tired of the beauty. The temperature was nearly 80, but the air was soft and cool. It felt good to touch sand again. Bliss. See For Yourself...
As a photographer... well amateur photographer... my first love is autumn, but the coastline of California is a close second. Although, my lovely Golden Gate is in the running as well. So much beauty and soul. I am a happy girl when I have my camera in my hand. Mood: Happy ~ Me :)
Oh, Man In The Moon By Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
Oh, man in the moon, send an evening star to wink at my dreary eyes, and I shall make a wish for a peaceful world that spins with no more lies.
Oh, man in the moon, send the night's cool breeze to lull my leery heart, and I shall cast my fears to the wind with ease, and watch them all depart.
Oh, man in the moon, send the sandman's dust to rest my weary soul, and I shall slumber in happy dreams until the morning bells do toll.
Isn't that lovely? Almost as lovely January's full Wolf Moon! It was absolutely breathtaking as the slightly orange orb climbed in the twilight sky last night. I was on my way home, by way of Half Moon Bay, and San Mateo, so I had a front row view of the eastern sky, and it was perfectly clear outside, so there was nothing standing in my way! I was in complete photographer's bliss! Actually, It was a pretty awesome day with the camera in general! San Francisco was gorgeous!
The temperatures in the Bay Area continue to be more late spring-like, than winter. So, with the clear sky, and the warm temperatures, I did some photos on Mt. Sutro at Twin Peaks, and after that at different points along the San Mateo Coast. Ordinarily I wouldn't be able to take the cold and fog of the coast, during a normal winter, but with the weather this amazing, I couldn't resist! I will be posting the new photos over the next few days. You'll see them.
"Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second." ~Marc Riboud It's not the full moon, it's a 99% Waxing Gibbous. But it was so beautiful I couldn't help but photograph it. So it's not quite perfect... who is? :) Mood: Happy ~Me :)
"If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the up button." ~Sam Levenson Blech. I am not fond of elevators in general, but this one... I HATE! It's at my doctor's office, which makes it even more yucky! GERMS. Mine, the guy next to me! ICK! Especially since my local news insists on mentioning nightly each new death in the Bay Area from the H1N1 flu. It also doesn't help knowing that each death occurred in folks under 62, with underlying health concerns. Hello diabetes? Hello Fibromyalgia? YIKES. But other than the possibility of getting the flu, this elevator has the harshest ride of any that I know of, anywhere. It only goes up three floors, and the ride is smooth, but coming down, just before the last floor... BOOM. It's harsh. But it keeps passing all the tests that are done for safety, so, I just try to go with the ride, but I have been thinking of taking the stairs, it's better for my health! Right? Right? Mood: Silly ~Me :)
"Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering." ~Haruki Murakami, Hard-Boiled Wonderland And The End Of The World While the leaves have mostly withered and died, there is a strange beauty in it somehow. I know, I know, I hold onto autumn for dear life, even in it's passing, but what can I say, when most of the trees in my favorite park have turned to stick figures, it excites me to see even the deep earth tones.
If it's going to be in the 60's outside, in winter, how about some appropriate music?
"I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, revealing to my charmed sight what may not bless my waking eyes." ~Anne Bronte, Best Poems of the Bronte Sisters I went out into the cold winter day yesterday, there was just enough rain to tickle my soul, like the rain was touching just my soul! I find true happiness with the air cool and misty, and the day just dark enough to allow my imagination out to play without reservation. I saw ghosts. The last leaves of autumn refusing to die, and those which had accepted their fate, and were ready to move on. I also saw the moon, shining in all it's 87% Waxing Gibbous-ness glory, with just enough daylight left to make it seem... disrespectful... pushy even. LOL. It's hard to explain really, you would have to have been there. You'll have to trust me. The next full moon is on January 15th at 11:15 pm ET.
Wish the clouds away for me... okay? :) Mood: Reflective