"All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person's (or thing's) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time's relentless melt."
~Susan Sontag
Ordinarily I would post my monthly collage of photos on the last day of the month, but March it seems this year is a bit busy. HAPPY EASTER! LOL. No worries, especially since I air headed really bad last weekend and posted my Easter 2013 blog post a week early! LOL. Darned old cold... yeah... let's blame it on that... but in all fairness, I usually do have my dates and times better organized than that! Oh well, it was only live on the blog for a couple hours, and fortunately my visitors and readers have dwindled a bit, so I don't think anyone caught it! See, having no one read your blog isn't all that bad, right? And hey, you, the reader who does come by, get the occasional thrill of a post gone awry!
Let's just change the subject... shall we? I spotted the "Sunrise/Sunset" photo back in 2005, and found it again this week in a file I didn't even know existed, but when I saw it, I thought it was quite timely for this weekend. I wish I could remember where I found the two street signs, and there was nothing that ID'd it in the file, all I know is I took the photo using by old Konica Minolta. Oh well, it's a fun photo, and it made me happy to be able to use it. Now, on with March's best photographs, and a couple new ones at the end of the post.

And now the photos I would have posted, if there were 32 days in March...

Beautiful! March, despite this ridiculous head cold, was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL month. Okay, in my old age, spring is growing on me. Gosh I hate change, unless it's summer to autumn~ LOL.
Mood: Happy :)
~Me :)