"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
~George Eliot
Autumn Begins Today At 2:04 AM PDT
If you have known me any length of time, you know that autumn is my favorite season of the year. I adore every beautiful moment of it. From the cool, crisp mornings, to the warm early evenings. I would much rather have a bouquet of autumn leaves, then the most expensive roses you can find, and if I am not out photographing the natural beauty all around me, then you can find me in the kitchen cooking up a witches brew of the best fruits and veggies of the season! I don't quite know how to explain it, but there is just something about this season that makes me feel more alive than any other time of year! My energy rises, as does my creativity. I LOVE IT! I find inspiration everywhere! Sometimes, it almost feels supernatural. Autumn just speaks to me on a heightened level of joy and creativity I don't feel at any other time of the year, and over the years I have learned to listen, and obey. :)
The photo above was taken at Apple Hill last October, near the town of Camino.
The photo below was taken in late November, 2005, in San Ramon, California.
So, there you have my Autumn Greeting Postcard. If you would like to play along with this week's Monday Photo Shoot assignment, there is still plenty of time to do so. Just click the link below to be redirected to the original assignment entry where you will find all the details you need to play along!
Happy Autumn!
EMPS#142: Create An Autumn Greeting Postcard
"Every autumn speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree."
-Emily Bronte

-Carly :)
PS If you visited this page earlier today, you may have noticed that I put the wrong date on the photos! LOL. I knew the date, but somehow, someway, I put the wrong date and didn't catch it until this morning. LOL. Oh well, what can I say? Except, maybe... HUMAN HERE! LOL :)