-Tom Everson
Does it get anymore irritating than this? Alan and I went to the chili cook off in Castro Valley last night, and instead of just being able to park, we have to contend with this! If it had been a case of one inconsiderate dolt who had taken up more than one space, it would have been one thing, but there were at least three different incidents of this within a parking area of about 175 available spaces. That might sound like a lot of parking, but not when you consider as many as 1,000 people usually attend this event. I am all for folks doing their own thing, and driving what they want, but I really believe that if you can't handle the vehicle you own, you need to not be driving it. I finally got into this space, after giving up on two others, but as you can see, my space was invaded on, and the spooky thing is, the car encroaching on my space isn't that big!
Now before you jump on me for being some kind of car bigot, understand, three out of the last four times I was cut off in traffic, it was by a vehicle that was twice the size of my car. Two SUVs and a LARGE/ExtraLONG truck. What is the deal with that? Why does it seem like most SUV drivers, drive like they think the road is just for them? Is it something about the vehicles themselves? Does the gasoline, which you pay so dearly for, have the some sort of VIAGRA it? With national gas prices at an all time high, how and why would you want a vehicle which not only can you obviously not park, but which also costs you a small fortune just to go about town?
I know, I know, not everyone who owns a truck or SUV is as inconsiderate as the folks I saw last night, and in general, most people can handle the their choice of auto, but really, situations like this do seem to be happening more and more. Now I have been cut off by regular sized vehicles as well, but I have been paying close attention since last August, when I was very nearly in an accident, after I was cut off on HWY580, by a truck. I shook off the fear after a few weeks, but now, every time I have to be on that particular stretch of road, I think about that day... and how scared I was. Alan was with me, and all I could think of was, "God please, if this is it, please don't let Alan suffer." I thought of him. Sigh.
It's bad enough when someone makes that kind of mistake, or acts unsafely in traffic, but when you actually park your vehicle, get out, and go about your business without checking to see if you have parked correctly, well, that just makes you a jerk. Of course on the other hand, it's not like the DMV makes anyone pass a test of ethics or consideration, but don't they still make you prove you can park the vehicle you drive? I honestly think that more tickets need to be handed out to those who can't park their cars sufficiently, and then after oh, say, three times ticketed within a year... YANK... goes the license! Because obviously you need more practice. I blotted out the plate number of the cars I photographed for this entry, it's just my personal ethic, but I am really thinking about posting the plate number the next time this happens. Sigh.
Ok, your turn. Tell me what you think. Am I wrong? Am I right? Do you have an opinion about SUVs in general? Do you have a personal pet driving peeve? Opinions, opinions!
"Bad Driver"
Castro Village Shopping Center
Castro Valley, California
May 11th, 2007
Late Afternoon
**By the way, other than this situation, we had a really good time. I will have a round-up of my weekend activities, with plenty of fun photos, for my post on Monday.