The true measure of a man is how he handles adversity.
~The Caine Mutiny
Jimmy Kimmel, and the Academy Awards, is what the Don Snorelone has to worry about at 7:18 AM, on the only day he has off from his current criminal trial? That tweet reminds me of the final scene of the Caine Mutiny, where it becomes painfully apparent to everyone that Captain Queeg that is indeed fucking NUTS. Sorry... mentally ill. Donald Trump needs help. As someone who has had to face depression my whole life, I know of what I speak. He needs help. Take this tweet alone, he lashes out over the Academy Awards, why now? It happened over a month ago. The ratings were not bad, in fact they gained 4% over the previous year's telecast.
By the way, it wasn't Jimmy Kimmel who handed out the Oscar for Best Film, it was Al Pacino. And the"Winner is" was changed years ago to, "And The Oscar Goes To." Maybe he should be sleeping, or strategizing with his legal teem, or perhaps planning whatever he has mind for his campaign. Anything other than barking at the moon. I expect as we move alone, and things seem to be moving fast, he will demonstrate more and more that he needs help! He will have his Captain Queeg moment, and like in the Caine Mutiny, he will have folks continue to support him, while not realizing the hurt they are doing to him. The hurt they are doing to all of us.
If you have never seen the Caine Mutiny, I encourage you to go watch it! It's my favorite Humphrey Bogart movie, and Fred MacMurray was amazing as well.
I repeat, Donald Trump needs help.