-Tom Robbins
Karen's choice for this RR is "Favorite Toys." We don't really collect toys per se, and I was never really a part of any of the uber Toy sensations in toys, such as Beanie Babies, but we do like good old fashioned board and card games. We had some classic games that Alan had as a child, but they were lost to the hands of a thief some years back. Now we mostly have the card games and a few board games like Monopoly and Balderdash. Skip-Bo is Alan's favorite of the card games, my favorite is Quiddler. Fun. I wish I could find Masterpiece, or Stock Market at a toy store again. I should probably take a look around eBay, I know Alan would love to get one of those old games some birthday or Christmas. For now we have Skip-Bo, which we play so often, that I just got a brand new set for this Christmas, to replace the set I got last year! We play it a lot!
I love stuffed animals, as a little girl that would probably be considered my favorite toy. I had a small stuffed skunk named Stinky, and a stuffed turtle my brother brought back from Vietnam. I still have the turtle, but he is packed safe away in our storage room outside. I still love that turtle after all these years. I have a multitude of bears scattered around the house, which for some weird reason the cats have shown no particular interest in. LOL. I guess the stuffed Christmas bear was something special in their eyes. My very favorite stuffed animals is a Boyd's moose, I named him Ross, after Ross Perot. LOL. He is always on my bed or on my desk. When I have a good pout on, I have been known to drag him from room to room. LOL. He just makes me smile, so it's nice to have him around. Moose are such beautiful animals. I wish it was practical to own one. Yep, I am one of those crazy old ladies who still loves stuffed animals at the advanced age of 46!
Be sure to visit all the participating Round Robins, by clicking on the links below!
Linking List
Karen... Outpost Mavarin
Carly... Ellipsis
Connie... Far Side Of Fifty Photos
Marina... Milepebbles
Em Dy... Captured Beat
Jama... Sweet Memories
Suzanne R... SuzyQ421's Photo Blog
Marie... Photographs & Memories
Linda... Mommy's Treasure
**Welcome New Member**
Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff
Molly... Return of the White Robin
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
Terri... Ways I See The World
Valerie... Rosemary's Other Baby
**Don't forget to find out what our next challenge will be! Drop by the official Round Robin blog later this weekend to find out all the details! See ye next year!
Berkeley, California
December 2008