"Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them."
I am a happy girl today. I am HAPPY. It is a nice feeling. What's making me so happy? Well, it's the little things. What little things you ask? Glad you asked...
Happiness is...
1. Text messaging with my hubby
2. Getting a recipe I created just right
3. Watching my kitties sleep the day away
4. Homemade Ice Cream
5. Reading a favorite book once again
6. Finding a cute necklace at Old Navy
7. Chocolate Covered Strawberries... they do a Type 2 Diabetic good!
8. Playing a board game with Alan
9. Having a blood glucose level of 101 after breakfast
10. The sound of the breeze through the Poplar trees outside my window
11. It's cold enough today to wear a sweater
12. My extra soft slipper socks
13. Kitty whiskers
Yep, I am happy today. :)
How about you? What makes you happy?
-Carly :)