Welcome to our latest Round Robin Challenge: Your Hometown. Marie, who authors the blog, Photographs and Memories, and hosts the Blogger's Community Photo Challenge, submitted this idea for consideration when we did a roundup of new ideas a while back. What a great idea, Marie! I love showing off where I live, the only problem is, I have probably shown just about everything there is to see. What to do, what to do?
Ok folks, here are some photos old and new. The East Bay hills is a gorgeous place to live, I don't see myself living anywhere else for the rest of my life, although I do daydream of retiring with Alan to the East coast sometimes. Someplace where I can get snowed in with a bunch of cats for months at a time. Someplace where the leaves really put on a show in autumn, and everybody has a fireplace. Don't you just love the smell outside, when everyone has their fireplaces going?
And yet, I am completely convinced I live in the most beautiful place in the world. If I had to choose, I would visit all those places I just mentioned, but I would always comeback here in my heart. I have fallen hopelessly in love with the view from Grizzly Peak Boulevard, and the Berkeley Marina, with it's view of San Francisco, and of course, you know how much I enjoy Tilden Park, especially in autumn. Yep... I am a true California Girl.
Here, have a look and see for yourself...

Isn't it beautiful here?
Now that you have seen my hometown, go have a look at where the other participating Robins live! Or better yet, post your own hometown entry. There is still time, just pay a quick visit to the official Round Robin blog to learn all the details!
Linking List
Marie... Photographs And Memories
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
Monica... Family Affair Photography
Karen... Outpost Mavarin
Wammy... The Ellis Family
Martha... Menagerie
Jill... South Bay Soliloquy
Cheryl... Life Through My Lens
Erin... Life Of A College Student
Jama Hameed... Sweet Memories
Connie... Far Side of Fifty
Carly... Ellipsis
Kat... In My Dreams I Can Fly
Teena... It's All About Me!
Ellen B... The Happy Wonderer
Mary... Hippie Gypsy