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"A celebrity is someone who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized."
-Fred Allen
TMZ comes up with the weirdest things sometimes, but frankly I don't see how they will ever top this one... An Indiana prisoner is claiming to be the father of not only Kate Gosselin's children, but Nadya Suleman's children, and the grandchild of blogger Sarah Palin! WHAT THE HELL? LOL! Go read the handwritten court documents here.
Weird... just weird!
"And where two raging fires meet together, they do consume the thing that feeds their fury."
-William Shakespeare
While in Half Moon Bay, a couple weeks ago, Alan and I came across a slow, controlled burn along the side of the road near the town of Pescadero. It was burning between HWY 1 and the cliffs that overlook the Pacific Ocean. I am afraid of fire, even under the most controlled circumstances, but on that day I just had to stop and snap off some photos. I thought the smoke, with the ocean behind it, made for some interesting shadows. Funny how even the things that scare me the most, become less frightening when I have the camera with me. I take it everywhere, but I am never more grateful for it, then when I am frightened. Strange how brave I feel with just a little help. :)

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."-BuddahEMPS # 62: Autumn Fruits And Vegetables. NOW CLOSED!We are in a delicious time of year, so lets see some AUTUMN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! Show me something yummy, found particularly during this time of year, that gives you that little bit of extra energy to fight not just the dark, cold days of autumn, but also the cold and flu season, which is about to be upon us. For the purpose of this assignment, lets do new photos this week, rather then reaching into the archives. For those of you outside the Northern Hemisphere, there is an alternate assignment below.Extra Credit: Show me your AUTUMN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES all prepared and ready to enjoy!EMPS #62A: FAVORITE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES STILL LIFE.For those of you who live outside the U.S., and who are not currently in the season of autumn, do a STILL LIFE of your FAVORITE everyday FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Extra Credit: Same. Show me your favorite FRUITS AND VEGETABLES all prepared and ready to enjoy!**PLEASE READ**This Monday Photo Shoot assignment closes next Sunday, at 9:00 PM. ET. Please submit your entries by that date and time, by getting your photo, uploading to your blog, journal or website, and then come back here with the direct link back to it. REMEMBER... it must be a link which goes back to an entry which is specific to this week's Monday Photo Shoot assignment. NO HYPERLINKS ACCEPTED! Also, please link back here, so other folks can find the assignment and play along with us! If you haven't played before, and if you have any questions about how to play, feel free to email me at ONDINEMONET@AOL.COM.Linking List for EMPS #61: Halloween. 10/26/09NOW CLOSED!1. Carolyn2. Suzanne3. Liz4. Paul5. Carly (Yep, I Did The Assignment Too!)6. Karen ( 1 ) ( 2 )Thanks everyone! See you next Monday!-Carly