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"Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you."
-Maori Proverb
RRC: Blinded by the Light
Suggested by Vicki, author of the blog, Maraca
This particular challenge really challenged me, which is a good thing, because I have been wanting to step outside my personal comfort zone. It's been really rainy and dark this winter, so there just hasn't been a lot of natural light. I am not a huge fan of too much light, so the weather has suited me well enough, but for doing photos... well... it just depends on what your subject is. I was stumped with this one, but earlier this week an opportunity presented itself while in the drive-thru line at McDonalds. The car in front of me, a Prius, had the brightest tail lights I have ever seen. LOL... Ironic! EUREKA! I had my subject!
The following photos are some favorites from my archive. Natural lighting can be a lot of fun to work with. Here, see for yourself...
The Sun in the Sierra
Sundown at the Golden Gate Bridge...
Sunset Over The San Francisco Bay...
Now that you have seen my take on this week's challenge, why not check out the other participants? Just follow the links below...
Flashbulb 100w **Welcome, New Participant
Ladyhightower **Welcome, New Participant
Manang Kim
There is still time to join us. You can find out all you need to know by visiting the official Round Robin blog. Just click here. I will be posting an all new challenge a little after midnight, so be sure to drop by and sign up for our next challenge. In the mean time, please consider joining us for our other memes. New participants are always welcome to join in!
Weekend Assignment #306: Chick Flicks or Guy Movies?
(A new assignment each Thursday)
Monday Photo Shoot #78: Still Life featuring Food.
(A new assignment each Monday)
"I watched Titanic when I got back home from the hospital, and I cried. I knew my IQ had been damaged."
-Stephen King
Weekend Assignment #308: Chick Flicks or Guy Movies.
(I am hosting this week. Click the link above to participate)
I think in our house the choice of movies is pretty evenly split. Way back before Alan and I started dating, back when we were best friends, we made a deal to alternate which movies we watched. It's a custom that we still do to this day. Although, there was one recent exception... I couldn't get him to go to the theater to see the Sex and the City movie a couple years ago. Nope. No way. Not gonna do it! LOL. I didn't push, but man I wanted to see that movie. When it finally came on HBO, Alan did graciously agree to watch it with me, and he actually enjoyed it! LOL. I knew he would. There is a new Sex and the City movie set for release later this year. I am already trying to talk him into it. Ahh... come on Alan... we can go for pizza afterwards! LOL.
Sex and the City 2
Extra Credit: A review of the worst movie I have ever seen...
DUNE A review in Haiku
Bad movie I once saw
Searching for spice was a yawn
Who knew Sting was gay?
I hated the movie Dune. The book was so much better then the movie. If you haven't seen it, don't bother. Read the book. :)
Don't forget, the next Weekend Assignment will be posted over at Karen's blog, Outpost Mavarin, next Thursday. See you back here in 2 weeks with WA#310!

"Drama is life with the dull bits cut out."
-Alfred Hitchcock
Weekend Assignment #308: Chick Flicks Or Guy Movies?
This week, let's talk about our favorite films. Do you find yourself drawn to one type of movie over another? Chick Flicks or Guy movies, which do you think you watch most often? How often does your spouse, or significant other, choose the movie?
Extra Credit: Write a one paragraph review of the WORST movie you ever saw. :)
If you are new to the Weekend Assignment, here are our guidelines for participation...1. Please post your entry no later than next Wednesday evening at 9:00 PM ET. I will be closing the assignment at that time, and no additional links will be accepted after that time. Also, please leave your full link in the comment thread. NO HYPERLINKS PLEASE!2. Please provide a link back to the assignment. Feel free to display the logo below, along with the link, so other folks can find the assignment and participate along with us.3. Don't forget to comeback here with the link to your entry.4. If you can, please be sure to visit your fellow participants. Let's encourage each other!5. Please encourage your readers to join us. The more the merrier... right?Linking List for Weekend Assignment #307: 8 Days A Week.
1. Julie2. Florinda3. Karen Don't forget, the Linking List for this week's assignment can be found on Karen's blog, Outpost Mavarin, next Thursday, along with assignment # 309!See you in 2 weeks with an all new assignment!-Carly

"It was in the 1920's, when nobody had time to reflect, that I saw a still-life painting with a flower that was perfectly exquisite, but so small you could not appreciate it."-Georgia O'Keeffe
A STILL-LIFE is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate objects and subject matter. It's been a while since we have done a Still-Life as an assignment, so this week, let's do one featuring food. The type of food, the setting, the lighting is all completely up to you. Get creative, work some magic, show me the art of STILL-LIFE photography FEATURING FOOD. No archived photos this week! I want something brand new to see.
Extra Credit: Do a STILL-LIFE in black & white.
This week's photo shoot assignment closes next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. Please submit your entries by that time by uploading your photo to your blog, journal or website, and then comeback here with the direct link back to it. Please remember, the link you leave me, must be a link which goes back to an entry specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. Not a general link to your site. HYPERLINKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED and will not be added to the Linking List. Also, please include a link back here to the assignment, so others can find us and play along as well.
Linking List for EMPS#77: The Cone Zone 02/15/10
1. Jama
2. Spiderdama
3. Suzanne
4. Sandy
5. Karen
Don't forget, I will be posting, Weekend Assignment #308, this coming Thursday. Please consider joining us!
Round Robin Challenges: Blinded By The Light
Weekend Assignment #305: Eight Days A Week