"The one had leaves of dark green, that beneath were shining silver, and from each of his countless flowers a dew of silver light was ever falling, and the earth beneath was dappled with the shadows of his fluttering leaves."
J.R.R. Tolkien
I have changed my mind, several times in my 46 years, about what my favorite color is. I love pink, especially if it is paired with yellow, and the funny thing about that is, I can't really wear either color successfully. Both colors, on me, look hideous. I like the color mauve, and I do a little better with it then pink, but if given a choice, I will simply take purple. Purple has been my favorite color for a while now, but the thing about purple is there is very little that can go with it, so I will tend to go back to the color I wear most often, which is black, because I can wear just a splash of any color I want. But even black gets old after a while. What to do? What to do? I know! I will go back to the color I always go back to when I feel like I am in some type of transition... Green.
I love the color green. It is one of those colors that put me at ease, no matter what turmoil might be going around. I like photographing different shades of green, and of course, what would and afternoon be, without my green tea fix? I hadn't realized how much green was actually in my life, until I began to do this entry. I have green sheets on my bed right now. My favorite autumn sweater is green. Life wouldn't be worth living, if I didn't have my nightly vegetable, especially a crisp green salad. When I set out to find the green in my life, I discovered it is absolutely everywhere in my world. Maybe that is why I have been feeling a little more centered lately. Heck, even the cover for my Yoga mat has a deep green background, with tiny multicolored (but mostly green) dragonflies on it.
The lighthouse you see above, is one of my very favorites. It is the Walton Lighthouse, which is in Santa Cruz, just a short hop from the boardwalk area. It had some controversy a while back, when there was a movement to paint the bands around the top red, and replace the lantern with a clear one. Public outcry saved the unique green colors of the lighthouse, and now you see it in all it's lovely green splendor!
Here are some more of my favorite green things...
Late summer in Berkeley, still a little green left to enjoy as the seasons prepare to hand off to each other.
The gorgeous green cliffs along Highway 1.
The Luna Moth. I think it kinda looks like a ballerina. What do you think?
Is there such a thing as a white/slightly green tarantula?
YES! Brussels Sprouts are a favorite vegetable of mine in autumn and winter.
Where did the idea for this challenge come from? Glad you asked. Our friend Julie, who can be found at the blog, Julie's Web Journal, submitted the idea of a green challenge for us. Be sure to go by her place and see what green things she posted for this challenge! And after you do, pay a visit to all the participating Robins! Let's be sure to show our support of one another, by paying each other a visit, and commenting. It's a great way to get to know one another! If you haven't played yet, there is still time. Just visit the official Round Robin blog for all the details!
Linking List
Julie... Julie's Web Journal
Karen... Outpost Mavarin
Carly... Ellipsis
Wammy... The Ellis Family Cincinnati
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
Martha... Perception
Maryt... Work of the Poet
Marie... Photographs & Memories
And... Photographs & Memories Too
Maria... Maria's Space **Welcome New Member**
Valerie... Soulfully Blond **Welcome New Member**
Jennifer Robin... Robin's Woods
Vicki... Maraca
Erin... Life of a College Student **Welcome New Member**
Gina... Gina's Space
Momma... Sandcastle Momma
Em Dy... Captured Beat
Ourhomeschool... Our Home School in the Woods
Kiva... Eclectic Granny
Steven... (sometimes)blog
Connie... Far Side Of Fifty
Posted! **Welcome New Member**
Greg... Photo Trek
Posted! 09/21/08
Jeni... Friendphotog
Posted! 09/21/08
Just a reminder, there is still time to play the Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot. The week the topic is "Cheese." You have until 9:00 PM eastern time Sunday night to post your photo, and leave me the link.