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"Architecture is a learned game,
correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in light."
-Le Corbusuier
RRC: The Old Place
Suggested by Karen, of the blog, Outpost Mavarin
For this Round Robin outing, Karen has asked us to show off "The Old Place." The idea is to photograph any old building, or dwelling, preferably one over 50 years old. There are a lot of really nice examples of architecture in the Bay Area that would fit that criteria, but I wanted to show a select few that always catch my eye when I pass them. Each has a different beauty all their own. The first one I have shown before, but it never looked more lovely to me as it did on the night of the 100th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake, in April of 2006. For two days, the city of San Francisco lit up the Ferry Building with different colored lights, transforming it into a gorgeous point of celebration for a city that literally rose from the ashes. The Ferry Building was built in 1875, and you can read about it's history here. It's a beautiful old building.
Here are one of my other favorite haunts...
I have no idea how old this pretty little barn is, but I have been passing it for years. It sits about half way through Cull Canyon, and it just always catches my eye. Lovely.
Go see what everyone else has found for us at the favorite "Old Places." Just follow the links below...
Linking List
1. Karen... Outpost Mavarin
2. Julie... Julie's Web Journal
3. Carly... Ellipsis
4. Suzanne R... SuzyQ421's Photo Blog
5. Jama... Sweet Dreams
6. Jessica... Quick Silver Dreams
7. Monica... Click Shots
8. Terri... Ways I See The World
9. Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
10. Chris... Camera Obscura RRPC
11. Liz... Colour Contrast Continunity
12. Molly Mavis... Visual Dialogues
13. Nancy... Nancy Luvs Pix
14. P... It's Only Words
**Welcome New Member**
15. Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff
16. Mojo... Why? What Have You Heard?
17. TJ... TJ's Photo Expressions
18. Linda... Mommy's Treasures
19. Rita... Cashjocky and the Old Salt
**Welcome New Member** Posted!
20. Marina... Milepebbles
21. Connie... Far Side Of Fifty Photos
22. Duane... Meanwhile...
23. Teena... It's all about me!
24. Wammy... The Ellis Family Cincinnati
25. Leslie... Empty Nest
**Welcome New Member** Posted!
26. Vicki... Maraca
Be sure to check the Round Robin blog tomorrow, to learn what our next challenge will be!
"Change is inevitable... except from a vending machine."
-Robert C. Gallagher
Ok, so you might remember from a few entries back that I am a busy lady these days. Well, the word "busy" kind of implies that I am doing something at any given moment throughout my day, which isn't quite accurate. I mean I am not just sitting in one place, but my truly busy times seems to come in little bursts of busy. Does that make sense?
What keeps me busy in these little bursts?
Well, among other things...
2 kitten cats.
1 husband with a constantly changing schedule.
Degenerative arthritis in both knees and my right shoulder.
Type 2 Diabetes (Your body loves it when you do even a little exercise after your meals).
1 digital camera
1 film camera
1 Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone 580i which is always in my ear. It makes me what to dance.
And coming up next week...
I am finally giving AOL and this stupid dial-up connection the boot. The appointment has been made for next Wednesday, and I know for sure this time I am outta AOL HELL! Which is a good thing because I looking forward to the change. AOL was a nifty little product when I first became a member, but over the years I have seen it fall to the hollow billboard that it is today. There is very little left there for the Internet consumer. Sigh. So it's goodbye AOL as of Wednesday.
That means I am going to have to get things in order for the new service to be hooked up. Lots of cleaning and dusting of never-never areas behind my desk and lots of big, heavy lifting of the TV stand and such, but Alan will help with that. But while I am in the cleaning mood, my personal closet has been screaming for a good weeding out of old, yucky, ugly "what was I thinking" clothes. Spring is here, and I need to pack away the winter clothes. Coats and such. Bye-bye raincoat and umbrella... now where is my bikini and big floppy hat?
Searching... searching... searching...
Hendrix! Bad kitty... stop biting your brother!
See... like I said... BUSY.
March 15, 2009

"It was on of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
-Charles Dickens
It's that time again, when we have converging seasons. Next Friday, winter will transition into spring here in the northern hemisphere, so let's see what the change will be like in your neck of the woods. Please post new photos for this one, as opposed to posting photos from your archives. Now I know that some folks don't live in areas that see very much of a difference between seasons, and so there is an alternate assignment for you, but if you do live in an area that is just bursting to come alive with the colors of spring, please show me the celebration. Show me WINTER MEETS SPRING!
Extra Credit: Show me your favorite colors of winter & spring.
EMPS #29A: Calendar Shots.
This is easy, grab your cameras and take a picture of something that you would like to see featured on a calendar to represent March. The subject matter is completely up to you, it can be anything, it doesn't have to be something you would necessarily find in March. It can be a hobby, or an animal, if you can imagine it, it can be a CALENDAR SHOT!
Extra Credit: Do both assignments!
Ok folks, you have until next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET, to take your photos, post them to your blog, journal or website, and then comeback here with the direct link. I can only accept direct links. NO general links to your blogs or journals will be listed in the Linking List. It must be a link specific to this photo shoot assignment. Also, please include a link back here, so others can find the EMPS and join us for the assignment.
Linking List for EMPS #28: Black & White Photography 03/09/09
1. Greg
2. Tammy
3. Karen
4. Liz
5. Your EG Tour Guide
6. Vicki
7. Jessica
8. Terri
9. Wammy
10. Mike
11. Duane
Question of the Week: What do you think about Spirit Photography? Is it possible to photograph a spirit or ghost?
Feel free to answer the Question of the Week when you do your entry for the EMPS or feel free to leave me your thoughts in the comment thread for this entry.
Have a good week everyone. I will see you in one week with an all new EMPS!