Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Photo A Day For 6 Months: Day 3~ The Egret

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.

 ~ William Blake 

I love Egrets. The Snowy Egret is my favorite, this one is a Great Egret. Which is still pretty great, but oh those Snowy Egrets with their silly bright yellow feet... so silly... so beautiful!

~Me :)

If you would like to participate in my challenge of a photo a day for 6 months, grab your camera and jump on in. Just post your entry and then come back here with the direct link back to it. I will post your link with tomorrow's blog entry.


Friday, May 11, 2012

A Photo A Day For 6 Months: Day 2~ Gone Fishing

Fishing is boring, unless you catch an actual fish, and then it is disgusting. 

 ~Dave Barry

A few weeks back, I won 4 free tickets to the California Academy of Sciences, and Alan and I had a wonderful time. Alan loves to go fishing, which is fine, but me... not so much! LOL. This is my favorite way to go fishing, in a controlled environment, with camera in hand. Although I have to admit, Alan is an amazing cook, and his recipe for Teriyaki Shark is delicious. :) Still, I think I enjoy watching fish play and swim about. It's a happy thing.

See you tomorrow!

~Me :)

This is day two of my A Photo A Day For 6 Months. If you like the idea, please come join me and I will post a link to your photos. Just comeback here and leave a direct link in the comment thread for this entry, and I will be happy to post your link with tomorrow's APADF6 entry!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Photo A Day For Six Months

"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."

~Groucho Marx

I used to be a pretty good photographer. I know I always feel much more positive, as a person, when I have had an exhausting day with my camera. In that I am much more of a visual person, than a person of words, a perfect day for me must include my camera and a little bit of help from the muses. My friend Steven, who I spoke a little about in the previous entry, called me once... "A seeker of light." I couldn't believe someone who was as an amazing photographer as he was, would find anything remotely interesting about my photography. His friendship and advice, over the years, regarding my photography, made me a much better artist. I will miss him forever.

In the last year or so I have been dealing with some health issues, nothing serious mind you, just an under active thyroid, that, while not dangerous, has made me completely exhausted. So much so that I put my Monday Photo Shoot project on hiatus. It's been over six months since I have posted with any regularity, but the other day, when I wasn't falling asleep at 4:PM, I decided that it was time to get back into the swing of things. It was time to once again pick up my camera.

I have given myself a goal, and here's how it works. I am going to going to post one new photo a day, to this blog, for the next 6 months, just to get those creative juices flowing again. There was a time, not all that long ago, I used my camera daily, and I felt amazing while doing so. Was it the colors of the world? Was is the subjects that caught my eye? Was it the amazing freedom I felt? In truth, it was probably a little of each.

So, the photo you see above, represents my first step back into the world of photography. I took this photo last Tuesday in Golden Gate Park, in San Francisco. GGP has never let me down when it comes to finding something to photograph. From brides, to flowers, to performance artists, to the Shakespeare Garden, I have always found something in GGP to inspire my inner artist with.

Photography always makes me feel happy inside. :)

It's important to follow your bliss... right?

Does anyone want to join me? If so, grab your camera and join in. Leave the your link to your photo in the comment thread and I will post it in the entry for the next day's photo.

-Me :)