"Love is the fire of life, it consumes or purifies."
BBQ anyone? LOL. This week's assignment is all about FIRE! FIRE engines, FIREplaces, bonFIRES, FIREtrucks, FIRE fighters, you get the idea... FIRE!
Extra Credit: Show me a FIREman! :)
This Monday Photo Shoot assignment closes next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET. Please submit your entries by that time by uploading your photo to your blog, journal or website, and then comeback here with the link that goes back to your entry. The link you leave must be to an entry which is specific to this week's assignment. A general link to your site will not work, and HYPERLINKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Also, please include a link in your entry to this photos shoot assignment so that other folks can find us and participate with us. The more the merrier... right? ;)
Linking List for EMPS # 92: State Flowers 05/31/10
1. Carolyn
2. Freda
3. Jama
4. Karen
5. Greg
6. Hip Chick
7. Nesa
Thanks for playing, see you next Monday with an all new assignment!