"Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn."
- Quoted by Lewis Grizzard in "Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You."
Signs of Spring. They are everywhere. From stuffed bunnies and colored eggs waiting to be added to easter baskets, to the beautiful wildflowers you can see blooming on the side of a country road. Signs of Spring might also me heard in the peeps of the tiny birds in the nest, and the flutter of a group of butterflies all flapping their wings at once. I appreciate the season of spring more now then I once did. I love the colors, and the sounds. I love that there is still just enough of a chill in the air, that I am able to still wear my favorite sweaters that I miss so much in the summertime. I love long naps on a spring afternoon, with Elvis curled up next to me. I love that he walks in my garden, to make sure all the flowers are in place. He loves roses, and he stops and sniffs each one, staying at the spiciest ones the longest. He loves the stock almost as much!
I have moved all my flowers up next to the storage room on the side of the yard, because we are planning to put in some dwarf fruit trees in the spot where last year's flower bed was. We picked out a couple dwarf fruit trees to plant for my landlord, and for Darryl. The trees will make the yard all the more special. We will keep them in the containers for at least a year, so I might plant a few sunflowers in that space so that we will have some color there for autumn. I will share more about that later, but for now the focus is spring. The following are some photos from last spring, and the plants I am working on for this year.
This challenge was suggested by Nan, author of the blog, Life Is Like A Lunchbox. Be sure to drop by her place and have a look at her entry. Afterwards, drop by the other participating Robins and see their creativity as well. We are blessed with some awesome photographers, and I look forward to these challenges each time with great anticipation. All our Robins are amazing artists. If you enjoy beauty, just follow the links below. Better yet, if you want to join in, you are more then welcome. The challenges are open to everyone on the Internet with a place to post their entries. If you haven't played with us before, just pay a visit to the Round Robin Challenges blog, and read the details. Come on, you know you want to!
Linking List :)
Nan... Life is Like A Lunchbox
Steven... (sometimes photoblog)
Carly... Ellipsis
Karen... Outpost Mavarin
Lisa... Lisa's Chaos
**Gattina... (See RR Sidebar for the Link)
Suzanne R... Living... Suzanne R's Life
Janet... Fond of Photography
Kiva... Eclectic Granny
Sandra... Strong Chemistry
Martha... Perception
Jan... The Prytz Family
Monica... Family Affair Photography ** Welcome Back**
Momma... Sandcastle Momma
Kim... Nekked Lizards
Jill... Letting Crazy Take A Spin
Chrissie... Chriseas Corner
Celeste... Ragracers
Vicki... Maracas
Whammy... The Ellis Family Cincinnati
Jennifer Robin... Robins Woods