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"Justice denied anywhere, diminishes justice everywhere."
-Martin Luther King
The two female journalists, Euna Lee and Laura Ling, of San Francisco's, Current TV, will stand trial in North Korea in less then one hour from now, 11:00 pm PT. I am so worried about these two ladies. If convicted, they could face 10 years of hard labor. I can only imagine the fear and pain they must be feeling. There was a candlelight vigil earlier tonight, however I wasn't able to attend, so, I am thinking of them right now, and keeping them in my prayers. Please keep them in your thoughts today.
"A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change."
I went out for a walk today at Lake Anza, in Tilden Park. It's so pretty up here in the hills, and the weather the last couple days has been something else. Tonight, through the next few days, calls for possible thunderstorms. It's damp and sticky. Not at all like the usual weather we have this time of year. I am enjoying the change. There is electricity in the air, and everything smells really nice after those quick, brief rain showers. While out enjoying the feel of the air, this guy walked passed me. He didn't mind that I took his picture, in fact he kindly posed for me, then went on his way. It was a nice moment, one that I am glad I had. I am so happy that I didn't just sit at home today, I wouldn't have wanted to have missed this moment.

"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simple consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."-Douglas PagelsEMPS #40: RAINBOWS.
Inspired by my pal Martha's new meme, Color Carnival, I thought it would be fun to explore color this week. And where can you find a lot of color? Why in RAINBOWS of course! Grab your cameras, and show me some RAINBOWS. Now if you happen to be in an area where RAINBOWS occurring naturally are hard to come by, recreate one or simply use one from somewhere else, such as a RAINBOW on some fabric or maybe created with ribbons or paint. However you choose to photograph a RAINBOW is fine.
Extra Credit: Write a little about which colors gives you the most problems with your photography, and which colors are the easiest for you to photograph.
**Please Read**
You have until next Sunday evening, at 9:00 PM ET, to find your RAINBOW, photograph it, and add it to your blog, journal or website. After you do, comeback here with the direct link to your entry. REMEMBER it must be a link to the entry specific to this week's Monday Photo Shoot assignment. Also, please include a link back here to this entry so others can play along.
Linking List for EMPS #39: Memorial Day. 05/25/09
Nice turnout this week! It was good to see so many players! Now, GO BE PHOTOGRAPHERS! I will see you back here in one week, with an all new Monday Photo Shoot assignment!
"In our lifetime there is a single color, ans on artists pallet, which provides the meaning of art and life. It is the color of love."-Marc Chagall
This is my entry for Martha's new meme... Color Carnival. Be sure to play along, it's just fun!