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From For Ellipsis |
"People who count their chickens before they are hatched, act very wisely, because chickens run about so absurdly that it is impossible to count them accurately."
-Oscar Wilde
RRC: Chickens (A Challenge Most Fowl)
Suggested by Sherrie, author of the blog, Sherrie's Stuff.
Bok, Bok, Bok... Sherrie is the one to thank for this FOWL challenge, which is wonderful because... Bok, Bok, Bok, Bok.... I LOVE chickens! When I was a little girl I raised several different kinds of chickens as pets and for the wonderful fresh eggs.Ahhh ... there's nothing like it. You might be surprised to find out what wonderful pets they make, I had a small bantam chicken that was my constant companion when I was about 4 years old. Cuddly and friendly. It's was a lot of fun, but a lot of work as well. Whenever I get nostalgic for those happy times in my childhood, I pay a visit to the Little Farm inTilden Park, where there are all kinds of wonderful animals to watch and interact with. Here are some photos from my recent visit there...
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From For Ellipsis |
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From For Ellipsis |
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From For Ellipsis |
Bok, Bok, Bok, Bok, that's my entry, now go see what they other Robins have come up with for this foul assignment...
Linking List
Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff
Carly... Ellipsis
Karen... Outpost Mavarin
Linda... Mommy's Treasures
Jenn... My Muskoka
Lana G... Above The Clouds
Nancy... Bondi Resort Blog
Maria Berg... Everything Is Green
Posted! 09/04/09
Boliyou... Endomental
Molly Mavis... Visual Dialogues
Margaret... Facts From A Fact Woman
Suzanne R... SuzyQ421's Photo Blog
Ruth... Scrabble Queen
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
Ellen B... The Happy Wonderer
Vicki... Sea Turtle Mom
Hip Chick... Hip Chick's Photos
Peggy... Holmespun Fun
Teena... It's all about me!
Please Note: I am having some difficulties with my computer, and I will do my best to get around to everyone, but I am not sure if I will be able to. If your name isn't on the above list, I apologize and I will add it on as soon as I can.
Be sure to check the official Round Robin blog tomorrow, to find out what our next challenge will be!