To your enemy, forgiveness
To your opponent, tolerance
To your friend, your heart
To a customer, service
To all, charity
To every child, a good example
To yourself, respect
-Oren Arnold
It's coming up on the holiday season, have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Yesterday, Alan and I went down to San Mateo, to Hillsdale Mall, and officially began our holiday shopping. We are sending out cards, but other then his parents we will only be purchasing for each other, and Elvis. Yes, we always buy Elvis Christmas gifts, he is fun on Christmas morning. He sleeps at the end of our bed, so of course he is there as we open our socks. He is such a bright kitty, that he knows it is a special day, and so he is on his best behavior as he gets a brand new stuffed toy or catnip mouse to play with. I think I might do a video of him this year, as he always makes us laugh.
Shopping was fun, because I had looked a few things up prior to going to the mall, I had a good idea of what I wanted, and I found it pretty easily. I have decided to send my mother-in-law a cute little tea set I found at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It comes with a tray and one cup, so it will be something she could enjoy all by herself. I will probably add the latest novel by Mary Higgins Clark for her to enjoy, and yesterday I purchased her some special tea, Ginger Peach, by Longevity Tea. My father-in-law is a little more difficult to buy for, but I think I will go along the same lines and send him some speciality cocoa, and a new mug. He has a sweet tooth, so I am also sending him a set of three marzipan pigs. LOL. He collects pigs, so he might get a big kick out of that! I have some beautiful silk gift bags I found on sale last year at an after Christmas sale, so it will look fancy when it arrives.
Jeepers. I ordered 3 new trays for the kitchen from Amazon.com, and they arrived this week , all in different boxes...different HUGE boxes! LOL. My goodness, you could have fit a large TV in the boxes. LOL. That's what happened last year at this time, I ordered a book, and it came in the largest box they could find. LOL. Oh well, at least I will have some boxes for packing when I send the gifts to mom and dad. :) Still, what a waste of a perfectly good tree.
While we drove to San Mateo yesterday, Alan and I discussed our upcoming anniversary and vacation. Next Friday it will be 16 years for us. Strange how fast it all went by, strange how he still looks the same even though I have known him since 1977. :) We sat down with the calendar and picked out what we want to do on vacation, including the days when all we do is enjoy each other's company. Those are the best days. We are both needing a little time off from the world, and so at the end of the month we will go to Nevada and shake things up a little. Lots to do in Reno and Tahoe. Lots to photograph. It is gorgeous there this time of year, so I will bring back a ton of photos to edit. It will probably keep me busy the rest of the year! :)
We had a good time yesterday. After we went shopping, we had lunch at Red Robin, and while we ate, we enjoyed the A's in the playoffs. They won. Go A's! We kinda mused with each other about how it's their first playoff win in...16 years! LOL. I remember the week before I got married, like it was yesterday. I spent that week putting away most of the 12 million gifts we got for our showers, and watched the playoff's on TV. Watching the game today, brought back some great memories. :) Here are a few moments from yesterday...
1990 Recap
Speckled Lemonade
Fish & Chips
San Mateo Bridge East Bound
YUM...Hot Chocolate! So tell me, have you started your holiday shopping yet? :)
"Scenes From Yesterday"
San Mateo, California
October 6th, 2006