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"Most Horror movies are certainly that."
-Brendan Francis
Back in December my favorite store, Old Navy, had a special promotion, here how it worked. Be at the store when it opens, get into line, get a special bracelet, purchase $20.00 in store merchandise, receive 4 free movie tickets. I was needing a few more presents, and they had exactly what I needed. So, I got up really early on the day of the promotion, put on my 4 layers of clothing, and got myself down to the store bright and early. Actually, I left later then I was wanting to, so I was just sure I would be out of luck because of the long line that would surely have already formed.
Well, if you remember, I told you about it in a entry back in December. There really wasn't much of a line to worry about. It seems that the promise of movie tickets wasn't even enough to coax folks to spend this past holiday season. So, I did my $20.00 worth of shopping, purchasing 3 scarves for Sarah, and a pair of slippers for Alan, collected my book of tickets, and I was home before 9 AM. I was smiling all day long, because I was going to surprise Alan with the tickets when he got home that night. Silly me. It seems he had heard of the promotion also, and he needed a few things as well, so he went to a different Old Navy, in a different city, during his lunch hour. Imagine how surprised we BOTH were that evening, when we both pulled out our big surprise for each other. LOL.
Fast forward to the present time. We now have enough tickets to go on 4 dates in the month of January. We only have until January 31st to use the tickets, which was the downside of the promotion. Still, there are some movies that came out just before Christmas that Alan and I wanted to see, but for whatever reason time didn't allow for. One of those movies was the one we saw last night... "The Day The Earth Stood Still." We love the old classic, as you already know Alan and I are big fans of those old black and white gems. Who doesn't love a good horror movie? Although I have to admit, I am a big of a snob when it comes to remakes. I hate it when the original movie is changed too much. Sometimes it works out, but for the most part it always seems like a cheap effort in the end.
The new version of "The Day The Earth Stood Still" didn't even rise to that level! If you haven't gone to see it yet... don't bother. It is a waste of time. The editing was flawed, you could tell in different scenes that a green screen was being used. The new story had MAJOR flaws. The acting by everyone was stiff and boring, especially Kathy Bates, who played the Secretary of Defense. It is unusual to see that from her. It was as if she were just wanting to get the silly dialog over with and go home. It has been a long time since I saw a film that didn't contain at least one single clever moment, but last night that is exactly what happened. Nadda. The role played by John Cleese could have been phone in. By the time I left the theater I was wondering what Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connolly had been thinking when they took on the roles? Bad acting. Bad editing. Bad directing. Bad movie.
Ho Hum.
I think I will just forget I saw it, and focus on next Friday and the next movie on my list.
Ho Hum.
So tell me, what upcoming movies are you looking forward to seeing?
Bride Wars
He's Just Not That Into You
Confessions Of A Shopaholic
Paul Blart: Mall Cop
The Unborn
Hotel For Dogs
New In Town
"Buttered Popcorn"
Regal Movie Cinema
Dublin, California
January 2nd 2009
"Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."
-Douglas Pagels
I was going through my archives yesterday, as I did my annual year end clean-up of my photo files, when I found this photo from spring of last year. I don't believe it made it to to Ellipsis, which seems like a shame, because I like the colors in this photo very much. Cosmos are such beautiful flowers, and during the spring and summer months, they can be found all around San Francisco, especially in Golden Gate Park. It is impossible to look at a cosmos in bloom, and not feel good inside! I think I will be adding some of these flowers to my garden again this year. I did roses only last year, but I want to do more with the flowers this year. Gardening is something I look forward to with great anticipation, especially during the cold winter days. It was cold yesterday, so I went looking through my files for a splash of color. Isn't it gorgeous?
Also yesterday, the cats and I had a tragic mishap with the camera. I took it out to give it a thorough first of the year cleaning, at the same time the kittens experienced a spike in activity. LOL. Needless to say, CRASH... BOOM... SWEAR WORD... my beloved digital camera is no more. :( Alan bought me that camera 5 years ago, and it hasn't been out of my hand ever since, so needless to say, I am a bit sad tonight. All is not lost, however, I do have a wonderful , wonderful, simply wonderful 35mm film camera which I love with my entire being, and in a pinch I also have Alan's digital camera, which takes much better macro shots then mine did, so all is not lost. In fact, it gives me a chance to take a look around and do some research into what kind of camera I will get to replace the one I just lost. Any suggestions?
The Face Of A Bad Kitty...
Dylan, January 1st, 2009In the meantime, I will still be posting lots of new BAD KITTY photos, and I am paying a visit to the city sometime next week, which always provides me with inspiration. You can't go to San Francisco and not find something to photograph! I was just talking about the new opportunities I was looking forward to with new year, I just didn't think I would be meeting one on the first day of January, but who am I to question fate? The philosopher in me knows that when digital camera shutter door closes, another one opens. Maybe with interchangeable lens, 15MP, and accompanied by a new camera bag! In to each life a little rain must fall, but when the sun comes out there is usually a rainbow to enjoy... sometimes in digital color!
"Pink Cosmos"
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, California
Spring, 2008
"We will open the book.
It's pages are blank. We are going to put words on the pages ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and it's first chapter is New Year's Day!"
-Edith Lovejoy Pierce
It's finally here... 2009! I am ready for the New Year, and all the wonderful opportunities waiting for me. People, places, things, it's all fresh and new, and I am ready to take it on! How about you? Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to in the coming year? Tell me what you think. Will 2009 be better then 2008? Do you have big plans in terms of how you will face the coming year? If you feel like sharing, please do so. I would love to know what you think. Look into your crystal ball, and tell what the New Year will be like. Good, Bad, or Otherwise.
From Our House To Yours... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Love, Carly, Alan, Hendrix & Dylan
Happy New Year 2009
San Francisco, California
December, 2008
Early Evening
"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must also have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
-Hans Christian Anderson
Here is a compilation of my favorite butterfly photographs from 2008. I love photographing butterflies, because they have taught me so much about lighting and instinct and most of all patience. Every year, I wish for the same goal to finally be realized. I want to photograph the Mission Blue butterfly, which is found only here in the Bay Area, Marin County, and the San Francisco Peninsula to be exact. It has been listed on the endangered species list for a number of years, but through some hard work and conservation, it has been making a comeback. Maybe this year I will finally find her. Marin... here I come. I have from March through May to locate the butterfly, then it will be gone for another year. With a little luck this will be the year. Cross your fingers for me!
Black Swallowtail
Question Mark
Common Checkered Skipper
Great Southern White
Cecropia Moth
Orange Sulphur
Luna Moth
Great Southern White
Butterfly Circus
Conservatory Of Flowers
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, California
Spring, 2008

"Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."
-Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
We are all about to see a new year dawn, so, let's give 2009 a proper welcome shall we?
Here is an easy one folks, grab your cameras and show me the time. A clock, a watch, an hourglass, the clock on your cell phone, the clock in the town square. If it tells time, it will be perfect!
Extra Credit: Show me a clock with your favorite time of day on it.
You have until next Sunday evening at 9:00 PM ET to take your photo, publish it to your blog or journal, and then comeback here to leave the direct link. Please remember, I cannot accept HYPERLINKS. It must be a link that goes back to the an entry specific to this photo shoot assignment. And please check your links carefully before you leave them.
Linking List for EMPS #17: Holiday Greetings. 12/22/08
Well done everyone! See you next year, actually next Monday, with an all new Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot Assignment! Happy New Year!
"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living."
-Amanda Bradley
Last night, Alan and I, decided to have a nice dinner at home, then take a ride over to San Francisco, to see the lighting of the Menorah, in Union Square, for the 7th night of Hanukkah. The first candle lit this year was in honor of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka, who were killed in the recent Mumbai massacre. I have never been to a public lighting ceremony before, so it felt nice to be able to go last night. I enjoyed myself very much. We listened to the music and watched the dancing, and when the children in the crowd sang the Dreidle Song, a smile came to our faces. I think we will go at least one night of Hanukkah from now on. It was just lovely, and you left with such a good, warm feeling of family.
On our way to to San Francisco, we saw from the Bay Bridge, that Coit Tower was lit up in red, I believe in honor of the Emerald Bowl, which was playing at AT&T park. I had completely forgotten that the game was being played last night! LOL. So THAT explained the traffic crossing the bridge! LOL. Anyway, in the Cal vs. Miami game, Cal came out ahead, 24 to 17. I would have thought that Coit would have been lit in green, for the Emerald Bowl, but when I checked the official logo, it was in red. Go figure. LOL. If you happen to know why the logo is in red, rather then green, give me a shout. Or if you know of another reason why Coit was lit up last night, feel free to leave me a comment in the comment thread for this entry.

It was a beautiful night last night, no matter where you were in the San Francisco. It was mild in temperature, the sky was completely clear, and folks were happy no matter where you looked. That kind of happiness is fun to be around. Sometimes the best way to help your own mood, is to surround yourself with positive, happy, enjoyable experiences. We try to do that as much as possible. The only thing that was missing last night, were our two little boys. I could just see them singing and dancing along with the other children. Hendrix would have been singing louder then anyone else, and Dylan would have been hopping up and down with excitement. He does that when he is happy. There I go again, like with Elvis, I don't see to kittens, I see two little people. LOL.
"Coit Tower In Red"
San Francisco, California
December 27th, 2008
Early Evening