-Edith Lovejoy Pierce
It's finally here... 2009! I am ready for the New Year, and all the wonderful opportunities waiting for me. People, places, things, it's all fresh and new, and I am ready to take it on! How about you? Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to in the coming year? Tell me what you think. Will 2009 be better then 2008? Do you have big plans in terms of how you will face the coming year? If you feel like sharing, please do so. I would love to know what you think. Look into your crystal ball, and tell what the New Year will be like. Good, Bad, or Otherwise.
From Our House To Yours... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Love, Carly, Alan, Hendrix & Dylan
Happy New Year 2009
San Francisco, California
December, 2008
Early Evening
Happy New Year
happy 2009 Carly! I hope it's a great year for you and Alan and the furry kids!!
Happy New Year to you all, too! I plan on making this year better in every way, by hopefully being more proactive and taking care of MYSELF, I've ignored me for way too long! I know that if I feel good, other things will get better. And I'm feeling optimistic today! My new year's motto is "Eat less, move more!" And organize my house, lol.
Your new blog colors and layout are neat, but every time I click in here it surprises me over again! :)
Hugs, Phinney xo
Just waned to wish you and your boys a Happy New Year, Carly - all the best in 2009!
Find my New Year vision here:
I expect the first part of the year to be a challenge, especially to my business due to the bad weather that cut into it quite severely in December here in the Northwest, but I expect we will recover. Having lost 20 pounds without really trying in 2008 (I think a switch in medications is responsible), I'm for the first time not concerned about my weight, although I still have a ways to go! I can't say, therefore, that I have any big plans -- I just need to keep chugging away. ;-)
I'm back from the holiday chaos and look forward to your 2009 Monday Photo shoot.
May 2009 bring you much joy and love. XXOO
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