"Stay I say to him. Stay in the car.
Stay in this moment.
But of course he never does."
~Nora Nowlin
If He Had Been With Me
Meet the Pied-billed Grebe. What a sweet little bird. Look at his face, so curious. So gentle. He is the one bird that always reminds me of a stuffed animal. A stuffed animal. I really love this little fella, despite the strange call it has. That's just him. To me it sounds like the "bah" sound that sheep make. I should try to find a big group of grebes on YouTube that I can embed in a future post. In the meantime, look at that awesome reflection. I am thinking about entering the Audubon photo contest, which is held after the first of the year. I doubt I could win, given all the amazing entries they receive. Still, that's such a cool accomplishment, that would carry me all the way to my untimely death at the possible talons of an eagle, or the paws of an indoor orange tabby cat.