-Pedro Calderon de la Baraca
WOW Nancy, this challenge really put me through my paces! LOL. "Two Halves Don't Make A Whole" was suggested by Nancy, who authors the blog, "Nancy Luvs Pix," and boy oh boy was it challenging to me! It had me completely stumped, so much so, that I very nearly didn't participate, but in the end, I decided to step up and meet the challenge. After all, that is what a challenge is supposed to do, challenge us! To wussy out wouldn't be a very good example to set for the Robins, now would it? So, without further delay, I present to you my examples of photographs, or rather two halves of photographs put together, which just don't quite seem right.
I started with the picture at the top. I could have put the two halves of the Orange Nemesia in a more wacky fashion, but I thought it would be kind of nice to show the two different parts of the same photo, just taken with different settings on my digital camera. The same, but not really.

Actually, it was an organic tomato, and it was delicious! Is there anything better then home grown vegetables? (Insert evil laugh here: BWAHAHAHAHA)
This challenge was fun! And hey, we are always looking for new ideas, so, if you have a good idea for an upcoming challenge, please send it to either Karen, Steven or myself, and we will add it to the RRC pool. You can find our email addresses on the sidebar of the official RRC blog. Now, to see what Nancy, and all the other participating Robins came up with, just follow the links below. You'll be glad you did.
Linking List
1. Nancy... Nancy Luvs Pix
2. Jama Hameed... Sweet Memories
3. Karen... Outpost Mavarin
4. Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff
**Welcome New Member** - Posted
5. Gina... Gina's Space
6. Martha... Menagerie
7. Connie... Far Side Of Fifty Photos
8. Steven... (sometimes)photoblog
9. Carly... Ellipsis
10. Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
11. Liz... Visual Counterpoint
**Welcome New Member** - Posted!
If you enjoy the Round Robin Challenges, you might have fun with the Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot as well. Check back here at my blog on Monday, for a new EMPS assignment!
"Orange Nemesia"
Berkeley, California
Summer 2008