Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Will Resume Shortly...

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields
 that it kisses them so gently?And then it covers them up snug,
 you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says
 "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again."

~Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland & Through The Looking-Glass

For today, and tomorrow, I want to step back into Autumn once again, because there were some lovely photos on my found Nikon camera, and it would be a shame to just stick them in the archives.

Bear with me please, while obsess on autumn just a little!

Mood: Happy

~Me :)

Friday, March 20, 2015

And Spring Went BOING...

"Behold, my friends, the spring is come; 
the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!"

~Sitting Bull
Nikon CoolPix S3500

Well, appropriately for the last day of winter, a little light and color was added to my world. Yesterday afternoon, Alan found my pink Nikon CoolPix S3600 that went missing last autumn! I had only owned it a couple months, when I thought I had lost it forever, a sad occurrence if ever there was one! And I pretty much hung a puss for most of November and December over it, but my loving husband Alan, got me a new one, right around Christmas. It was one of my early gifts. I chose a Nikon CoolPix S3500, this time in purple. While I haven't gotten out very much in the time I have had it, from what I have seen of it's capabilities, it can hold it's own to the original Nikon. So now, with the new old camera back in my life I am very camera prolific! It was quite kind of winter to leave me with a special bit of sun... my gorgeous, girly Nikon CoolPix S3600 in pink. 

A pink camera, and a purple camera, perfect for photographing flowers!

 NIKON S3600
 in Pink

October 24th 2014
Nikon CoolPix S3600
And Welcome To Spring!

Mood: Happy/Silly

~Me :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Guilts

"Calvin: There is no problem so awful that you can't add some guilt to it and make it worse."

~Bill Watterson
The Complete Calvin And Hobbes

Don't they look like a guilty lot? It's a Peeps line-up, and I am thinking the one on the end did it!

What did it do? You ask...

It seduced me into buying a big box of the delicious marshmallowy chickens... and eating them all!

Party Cake Flavored Peeps... who could pass that up?

And yes, I feel mighty GUILTY... and HAPPY.

Easter shopping season comes but once a year you know.

Mood: Silly

~Me :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

More So Than Snot

"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want... oh... you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so bad!"

~Mark Twain

More So Than Not!

I'm still sneezing... because it's more spring than winter now... and it will be officially soon. 

I'm still sneezing, like it's a hobby or something. 

I'm still sneezing, and making Chocolate Peanut Rice Krispies Treats. 

I'm still sneezing, and realizing sneezing and Rice Krispie Treats have nothing in common.

I'm still sneezing, and watching The Jinx on HBO. I think he did it.

I'm still sneezing and petting my cat Dylan.

I'm still sneezing, and realizing... cats don't like it when you sneeze on them.

I'm still sneezing, and wishing I wasn't.

But it's all good!

Mood: Happy

~Me :)


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

When after the winter alarmin',
The spring steps in so charmin',
So fresh and arch
In the middle of March,
With her had St. Patrick's arm on

~Alfred Percival Graves

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.

~Irish Blessing

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mood: Festive

~Me :)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Simulation Of Life

"I want to roll my eyes, but my doctor said if I keep doing it,
 my ocular muscles might spasam and eject my eyeballs."

~Liz Lemon (Tina Fey)
30 Rock, "TGS Hates Women"

Mad Fits Of Eyeball Rolling

It's Monday... and tomorrow is Tuesday! Tuesday is St. Patrick's Day! But if you enjoy that holiday as much as I do, you already know that! You have  5 pounds of potatoes, 16 ounces of shallots, 1 large head of green cabbage, 1 large head of purple cabbage, and, of course, a large corned beef brisket, just waiting to be turned into something delicious! Well, I have NONE of those things, but I will have them by later today. St. Patrick's Day is one of those holidays we never miss! One year, when Alan was in upstate New York visiting his parents for their anniversary, I was home alone, it was just me and our tuxedo cat Elvis. But I still made that corned beef dinner, and set a place for my kitty, and enjoyed the hell out of my own company... and the wonderful quiet. You know the quiet... the quiet that reminds you of what life was like when you were out on your own for the first time, and it was just you, and the sounds of other people, in different apartments around you, making living in apartment noises. I smiled in that moment, and then began missing Alan, deeply, painfully. I also rolled my eyes, because there just seemed to be no way to please me! LOL. I do a lot of eye rolling!

 Goin' To A Snowbilly Circus...

In other news, did you hear, Bristol Palin is getting married! Good for her... and he... I guess. Oh, don't misunderstand, I am happy for the young lady, happy I tell's ya, but when I read her quote about her good news, I kinda had to tilt my head... and wonder. Bristol met her fella when he visited Alaska to film an episode of  her mother's show, Amazing America, and of her new fiance she said... "He met Tripp during that time, and I've seen him in a few places where our paths have crossed since. He's visited us in Alaska, and I've visited his wonderful family in Kentucky," she wrote. "He's wonderful with Tripp and I'm so proud to be marrying him." Good for her and all, but that kinda sounds like she barely knows him, let alone be ready to spend the rest of her life with him. I don't know... what do you think? Am I being nit-picky? I mean ultimately, I couldn't possibly care less about her upcoming nuptials, but one does have to wonder if she will wear a thong wedding dress, like the thong camouflage dress she wore to the Hillbilly-Beatdown-Birthday-Shindig-Brawl last September. Hey, it's a look!

 I'm Bringing Stupid Back

I got all my tests results back from last week's visit to the lab. Blood... Good. Blood Glucose... Passable. Liver... perfect. Kidneys... wait a minute. Sigh. It seems I am in early stages of kidney disease. My numbers were above where they are supposed to be, but not dangerously so, it's a matter of taking my blood pressure pills on time, being a little more diligent with checking the blood glucose, and getting my blood drawn again in a few months. Sheesh! Who knew high blood pressure had anything to your kidneys? Well, I didn't, but I come from a long line of high strung political junkies, who take things way too seriously, like whether or not Bristol Palin will wear a thong wedding dress! I have decided to ignore that one, and concentrate on whether the invitations will be bought at Walmart. Call me a hopeless romantic, but one should NEVER buy wedding invitations at a place that also sells bullets! Am I right?

Uggg... there I go again... (Eyeball Rolling). Good Luck You Guys!

Mood: Curious

~Me :)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lemon Meringue Pi

"We must have a pie, stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie."

~David Mamet
Boston Marriage

Lemon Meringue Pie

Yesterday, Saturday, was Pi day in the universe, so Alan and I decided to grab a couple slices. He chose his favorite, cherry, but I was having a difficult time deciding between Peach and Lemon Meringue. In the end, I chose the Lemon Meringue because it had been a VERY warm winter day, and Lemon Meringue just seemed to be a perfect choice. It's winter in the Bay Area, and Alan and I are planning on putting the air-conditioner back in the window on Monday. I don't know about you, but that's kinda spooky... don't you think? But I am not stressing about it right now, I have pie.


Mood: Happy

~Me :)