"Colors answer feeling in man; shapes answer thought, and motion answers will."
~John Sterling
Round Robin Challenge: The Right Angle
Brought to you by Karen, author of the blog, Outpost Mavarin
It wasn't easy to find quotes to go with this week's RR subject, I finally had to settle for a generalized quote about shapes, but I think it suits the theme pretty well. Right Angles you say? Well, I did a looking through the archives for photographs that would accurately illustrate Right Angles, and I did a little snapping away while I was in San Francisco recently. So, here are my Right Angles...
The photo above was taken in Santa Cruz, in 2005. The pyramid you see is called Guardian I, and sits at Natural Bridges state beach. It is a kind of place marker of the small cove below the cliff that is the nudist side of the beach. It's an interesting art piece, and a lovely seaside area. The nude beach is well hidden, and out of the sight of the family friendly side. Hey, nothing like a little sunbathing... right?
Photo #2: Not Worth It (It's pretty self explanatory) 8/31/12

Photo #3: Rainbow Flag From The Castro, San Francisco, Ca 8/31/12

Photo #4: Enjoy CocaCola San Francisco, Ca 8/31/12
Photo #5: Another Brick In The Wall, San Francisco, Ca 8/31/12
Okay, that's my contribution for this round. If you would like to join in the fun, grab your camera and snap a Right Angle. You can find out all the details, and well as the links to other participants, at the official Round Robin blog. Just click the link at the top of this entry to be redirected!