-Rod Serling, quoted in, Submitted For Your Approval
Can you believe it? Do they even still make these anymore? LOL. What you see there isn't just a Casio 2.5 LCD Pocket Television, it was a safety device with an antenna! LOL. I bought that little beauty, way back in the stone age of electronics, way before the invention of the iPhone, way back before most cell phones could get live television as an added multimedia accessory. I bought that little darling you see there in 1989, just after the 7.1 Loma Preada earthquake.
As with all earthquakes, the ground began to shake and shake and then... IT SHOOK! I was at Alan's house, when the fun began. I had just helped myself to my third homemade Peanut Butter Blossom cookie, after I swore I would only have one. Just as I picked it up... the gulp... shaking began. It started as a slow dizzying feeling, and I remember saying to myself with a chuckle, "Ok, ok, I will put it back." But then it got scary. Pictures started falling, and so did glasses from the cabinet. The ground was shaking so hard I could barely walk from the kitchen to the dining room. Alan had already got into a door facing, and was holding out his hand to me, when the the peek hit.
It shook the room, and as I looked out the front window, which was a few feet away, I could see Cal State Hayward shaking violently up on the hill. It was all too surreal. As we all dealt with the ensuing damage it caused around the Bay Area, I decided I needed something with me from now on, just in case the earth wasn't quite done with us. A few days later, I went down to Macy's an bought my little pocket television. I paid $108.00 for it, which was pretty good for the time. I really enjoyed by new toy, and it did make me feel a little more secure. And while it is now probably considered ancient, and silly, it still works to this day, although when things go digital next year, it will more then likely be reduced to nothing but ghostly static.
I don't know, when I think about it, it wouldn't be too embarrassing to sell it on eBay, after all it did serve me well. And it's kind of cute. And hey, it did it's job. Right? Who cares that if I want to watch channel 7 (ABC) I have to face North by Southeast? It's just it's own personal quirk, and now that I think about it, even if the new digital system makes it go all fuzzy, I think I will always look at that TV fondly for it's durability. If it goes fuzzy on February 17th, 2009, it will be because it was murdered, not because it wore out. YOU GO YOU SILLY LITTLE LCD TV! :) Hmm... I wonder if I can get a converter box for a mini TV? ;)