"This is October for me: Withdrawing into my own world, blocking out everything except the beauty of the season, my reflections and my relationship with God, I find that this is enough to sustain me through the long, cold, winter... and beyond... ."
~Peggy Toney Horton
Somewhere In Heave My Mother Is Smiling
Half Moon Bay, California, is beautiful every single day of every year, but it is especially beautiful in October of any year! The town's claim to fame is being the, "World's Pumpkin Capitol!" Which I have to admit there may be one or two other towns in the world who also claim that title, or at least "Pumpkin Capitol Of The World." It doesn't matter to me, I love the town so much, that I simply call it Heaven on the San Mateo peninsula!
But I have to admit, I love coming down the steep hill, of Highway 92, turning a slight corner, and suddenly seeing, on my left, pumpkin patches as far as the eye can see! There are also a few patches that have roses, and sunflowers! My favorite stop in Pastorino's Pumpkin Patch!
Beautiful pumpkins, a petting zoo, sunflowers, a gift shop, and a bake shop, definitely puts a person in, not only an autumn euphoria, but in the mood for the upcoming holidays of, Halloween, and Thanksgiving! It's an enchanting autumn world, and Alan and I have been enjoying our Half Moon Bay visits, since we first visited Pastorino's, while we were on our honeymoon! I still remember the date, October 23rd, 1990!

We had such a good time that day, that we named the day, Family Day, so that if we started a family, and wanted to spend our anniversary alone, which is October 13th, we could give the kids a special day for all of us, just ten days later! We chose that, because 49ner's quarterback, Joe Montana, and his family, were visiting Pastorino's that day in 1990 also! It was the first time, that year, they had a chance, to take a day off to be together for choosing their pumpkin! They seemed to be having so much fun together, that it sparked the idea for Alan and I to create the tradition!

As it turned out we never had children. We just didn't, but it didn't stop us from celebrating that special day anyway! We still have a ball, visiting Pastorino's! After we choose our pumpkin, we always head up the coast highway, to San Francisco, and enjoy the best of the city, and after that, it's onto Marin County, for dinner at Gaspare's Italian restaurant! A pizza, and two orders of their heavenly Cannoli! Life is good! Love is good! Autumn makes it all magical!

We had to celebrate our Family Day, a bit later than usual this year, because I was a little under the weather on October 23rd, but it was okay, October 25th was a glorious day! Warm. Beautiful. And best of all, it was a completely happy, fun filled day! No stress. No politics. Just Alan and I! I only wish our kitties could have come with us. They are our children, and I just know it would have been fun having them choose the official pumpkins of Halloween 2018! Believe me, as silly as that sounds, my Dylan has very definite ideas about pumpkins! Each year we bring several home, and he always chooses one he likes to chew on the most! LOL!
Alan and I have the life we wanted!
And our life is good!
#39 Leaf Of The Day
October 29th 2018
Photographed October 25th, 2018
Cull Canyon
~Mood: Happy