Each day is born with a sunrise
and ends in a sunset, the same way we
open our eyes to see the light
and close them to hear the dark.
You have no control over
how your story begins or ends.
But by now, you should know that
all things have an ending.
Every spark returns to darkness.
Every sound returns to silence.
And every flower returns to sleep
with the earth.
The journey of the sun
and moon is predictable
But yours,is your ultimate ART.
~Suzy Kassem
I haven't been feeling tip-top the last couple weeks. I am not sure what I have been fighting, but whatever it has been, it has been punching me down hard, and exacerbating my usual Fibromyalgia symptoms. So, when it came to Christmas shopping, I put a lot of it off, until the very last minute! Take for instance, Alan's Christmas sock, I waited until late in the day on Christmas eve. It had been raining on and off, most of the day, but after lunch, rain or no rain, I had to hit World Market for the last few items I needed!

After I finished at World Market, it was on to one more small stop and then I was homeward bound. Just as I was exiting the parking lot at the grocery store, I noticed an absolutely amazing sunset, in the western sky! Autumn has the leaves, but winter carries all that color in it's sunsets! Some of my favorite sunsets have been in winter, when the air is fresh and clear, and this sunset came after some rare wild weather, that left the air not just crisp and clear, but also carried the remnants of some rare Mammatus cloud formations that were very photogenic! I was only a couple moments from home, so as soon as I turned into the driveway, I grabbed my camera, and started snapping away!
It was thrilling to be able to not just photograph an amazing sunset, but a truly rare cloud formation, and if that isn't enough, I think I might have caught something in the clouds, besides clouds, how about a UFO... or possibly Santa Claus? Yep, that's right, there was something just a wee bit more special in that Christmas Eve sky... an object that I didn't see in the sky while I was photographing the clouds, but rather not until I uploaded the photos for editing! I had NO IDEA what the object was, so I sent the photo along to the meteorologist at KCRA TV. He didn't know what it was either, but guessed it might be a drone.

While a little less interesting, it's a lot more logical that it could be someone's holiday toy! Although, I don't remember seeing anyone outside when I was photographing the clouds, and it had been less than 10 minutes after the last, brief, yet torrential downpour, so I am not sure how many folks would have wanted to expose their drone to that much rain water, but you never know, perhaps it was a water resistant drone, I know very little about their features and characteristics! So, if we are approaching this from as logical a point as we can, drone seems to be the best explanation!
But it was, of course, Christmas Eve, so perhaps it was simply, Santa Claus! It could have been, I suppose, that jolly old guy, flying through the sky, off to deliver a doll, or a chewy dog toy, or maybe a drone to some lucky boy or girl! HAHAHA. Wouldn't that be ironic? Capturing a photograph of Santa Claus, delievering a drone, on Christmas Eve, after a rare storm? Wow, that's a lot of different storylines converging together, to make for one magical ending to the movie I am living in. Unless it's a TV show I'm in, and not a movie at all, in which case it isn't the end of show, it's merely a cliffhanger, until they get back to me from Mufon.
Oh yes, did I tell you I am submitting my photo to Mufon?
How cool is that?
Stay Tuned!
Anyone want to take a guess about what that object is?
~Mood: Happy
~Me :)