Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve With My Angels

"You are never so lost, that your angels can't find you."

~ Jeff Rees Jones
Angels Bright

I am are so blessed! Alan and I have each other, but we also have our three little fur baby guardian angels. Hendrix, Dylan and Joey, fill our house with fun, life, and so much love that, at times, it's difficult to leave to do even the quickest errand! How did I get so lucky, to have found all my joys, in this big world? And it's not just Alan and our boys, I have also found wonderful friends, both online, and in real life! People who fill my heart with love, friendship and support! People who laugh with me, and at me, as I laugh at myself! Those who share my good times, and bad, and who will be there, when the sun shines on me for the last time. They're a gift, and I am thankful for them an infinite number of times.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to say life is perfect, or that there isn't some heavy concerns, my blog is filled with post after post, regarding my fears, battles with Fibromyalgia, the chronic physical pain I deal with, and the darkness which is Trump, but for a little while, I will put all of it aside, and concentrate on the happiness of being together for another year! It feels so good to take a break, for a couple days, to give up second guessing and worry, in favor of happiness! Cats don't have to love you, they choose to! So, if a cat loves you, then you know you have something special going for you! My boys can tell when my pain is overwhelming, and never leave my side. They work hard taking care of me!

So, it's time to embrace as much holiday magic in as I can find! Snuggling while watching old movies, making pies, enjoying snacks straight from the oven, chasing a kitty down the hallway, and giving him great big kisses, playing board games, and even being happy to lose, as long as the one you love most is sitting in front of you! I used to be so afraid of love, and friendship, which is silly, because it was through the magic of hearts open to love, and friendship, that our adventure was allowed to begin, all those years ago! Where would I be without Alan? Where would I be without my friends? And where would I be without my fur babies?

The Brothers Gordon...
Joey, Dylan and Hendrix

Heirloom Ornament #2
Christmas 2013
Berkeley, California

~Mood: Happy

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