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"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness is never decreases by being shared."-Buddha
RRC: Candlelight
Suggested by, ME :)
Here is my Candlelight gallery. I enjoyed my adventures with the candles. From my Andy Warhol inspired one at the top, to the "Candle in a Storm" it was a great experiment for me. Who knows... maybe we will try this one again later this year! If not for the Round Robins then maybe for my Monday Photo Shoot. For now, enjoy my gallery...
If you enjoyed by photos, be sure to visit the other Round Robin participants. Just click on the links below...
Linking List... as of 2:15 PM PST, Jan 16th 2009
Carly - Posted!
Karen - Posted!
Outpost Mavarin
Hip Chick
Hip Chick's Photos
Linda - Posted!
Mommy's Treasures
ellen b - Posted!
The Happy Wonderer
Vicki - Posted!
Jama - Posted!
Sweet Memories
Ford Family Photos
Sherrie - Posted!
Sherrie's Stuff
Lana G!
Above The Clouds
Sandcastle Momma
Gattina - Posted!
Keyhole Pictures
Julie - Posted!
Julie's Web Journal
Brianne**Welcome, New Member**
All Kids & No Play
Sandy**Welcome, New Member** - Posted!
From The Heart Of Texas
Jen - Posted!
My Muskoka
Ruth - Posted!
The Scrabblequeen knits, Too
Peggy - Posted!
Holmespunfun Memes and Themes
Freda Mans - Posted!
Day One
Eva - Posted!
Suzanne - Posted! 01/18/10
SuzyQ421's Photo Blog
There's still time to play! Just visit the official RR blog for all the details. And don't forget to check on Sunday for the announcement of what our next challenge will be!
If you enjoyed playing the RRC, then check out our other memes!
Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot (A new photo shoot assignment posted each Monday)
Weekend Assignment (A new weekly assignment posted each weekend)
"A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain."
-Robert Frost
Warning: This Post Is Rated PG-13
The other day I heard Ariana Huffington's plea, on MSMBC's Countdown With Keith Olbermann, for we Americans to take our money out of the big banks and put it into a smaller local bank or credit unions. I remember thinking about how monumental that task seemed. When you have direct deposit, and you have automatically scheduled payments, it can be a lot of work to make any new changes. Still, she had a point. The large (TOO BIG TO FAIL) banks are recording not just profits but record profits and they are continuing to reward their "BEST PEOPLE" with huge bonuses. I have never seen a more blatant FUCK YOU! Have you? And just today, as I logged onto my account with JP Morgan Chase to check my balance, I found that some sort of "GLITCH" has caused my account to overdraw by $278! Fine. Great. I had money in my account, but now I don't. I get promises to fix it... but no indication about how long it will take. It is affecting folks nationwide, so I guess I am supposed to take some comfort in that fact.
I think I am ready to put up with the inconvenience of changing banks. As soon as I can I am changing to a smaller bank or credit union. I have had enough of putting money in the pockets of the very same people who nearly bankrupted this country, and I hope others will join me. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I wish I could do it today, but alas the last time I checked what little money I did have in my account is tied up in limbo while CHASE figures out it's "GLITCH." I can't even access enough to buy milk, and I suppose that is the mess a lot of folks are facing today. If you have an account with Chase, you better go check your balance and then hope for the best.
JP Morgan Chase Profit 4Q: Bank Profit Soars To $3.28 Billion
Stop The Abuse: It's Time To Break Up With Your Bank
Ariana Huffington: Move Your Money And Make Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Smaller
"The disparity between a restaurant's price and food quality rises in direct proportion to the size of the pepper mill."
-Bryan Miller
I LOVE to cook. I LOVE to take photographs. I can't always do both. But when I can combine my two great loves, I am in 7th Heaven! Pink Peppercorns are delicious and therefore fantastic to work with in my culinary pursuits. Have you ever tried them? They have a slight citrus flavor, which means they taste wonderful on fish or chicken, but sometimes I sprinkle them on fruit salads as well. Tasty.
One of my goals this year, is to do more with photographing food and ingredients. It's one of the most accessible subjects, especially during the winter when it is sometimes just too cold for me to get outside with my camera. I think I will do a whole series on spices and herbs. If you want to join me, let me know and I will try to coordinate something. Leave me your thoughts in the comment thread. If we get enough interest in the subject, perhaps we will do a special Photo Shoot Assignment specifically for the spices and herbs.
PS Don't forget tomorrow's Round Robin Challenge: Candlelight. There is still plenty of time to play, just pay a visit to the RR blog to learn all the details.

"I do not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty."-Imelda MarcosEMPS #72: PAIRS. NOW CLOSED!2's company this week! Grab your cameras and photograph the wonderful world of PAIRS! Pants, windows, sneakers, trees, eyes, twin humans, eye glasses... heck... just for fun I will even accept a photograph of a PAIR of PEARS! Use your imagination and have fun!Extra Credit: Show me both a color and a black and white version of your subject!**PLEASE READ**As always, this Monday Photo Shoot assignment closes promptly at 9:00 PM ET next Sunday evening. PLEASE submit your entry by getting your photo, uploading it to your blog, journal or website, and then comeback here with the direct link back to it. PLEASE REMEMBER the link you leave, must go back to an entry which is specific to this week's photo shoot assignment. A general link to your blog won't be accepted or added to the Linking List. Also, please include a link back to this assignment in your entry, so others can play along with us.Linking List for EMPS # 71: Weather. 01/04/10NOW CLOSED!1. Sherrie2. Fredamans3. Suzanne4. Jama5. Liz6. Greg7. Rita8. JR Cline9. Mike10. KarenExcellent photos everyone! Thanks so much for playing this week, the turnout was awesome! See you next Monday, with an all new assignment!-Carly