"Put your hand on a HOT stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it all seems like a minute. THAT's relativity."
~Albert Einstein
It's summer, and so I thought I would find some inspiration in the weather for this RRC, but I live in the Bay Area, and that means you can't guarantee anything about the weather. Today alone, saw mincroclimates varying as much as 50 degrees. If you were on the coast, in Half Moon Bay, or Pacifica, temperatures barely made it out of the 50's, but if you were in Brentwood or perhaps a little south like Gilroy, then it was a sweltering 100 or so. I guess that is one of the things I love most about living here. Variety is the spice of life. One of the best times I had with the camera, took place a few years ago when Alan and I went to Half Moon Bay, on a Tuesday, to watch the Mavericks Surf Contest and enjoy some clear 85 degree weather, and the next day we drove to the southern Sierra to play in some freshly fallen snow at a snow park. February in California is awesome!
Unfortunately, this time around, the weather didn't really cooperate as an inspiration, and I had the added intrusion of having to replace my desktop computer, after my last one's untimely death. May it RIP. So, please forgive me, I am posting one or two new photos, but the rest are ones previously posted on my blog for different projects. The majority were posted several years ago, so I hope they will be enjoyable to view a second time around. I promise by the time Karen's next RRC comes around, I will have some brand new photos to participate with. I have a lot of photo jaunts on deck for the next couple weeks... with fate's permission of course.Okay... here we go...
"Never kick a fresh turd on a HOT day" ~ Harry S. Truman
The sun, early in the morning, as wild fires raged throughout Northern California.

The newest rose added to my rose garden.It's called HOT Cocoa. I love how the colors range from deep red to a deep purple. This photo doesn't do it justice, it is truly one of the loveliest most unusual colored roses I have ever seen. It is my favorite.

"I can't think of any sorrow in the world, that a HOT bath wouldn't help just a little bit."
~Susan Glasee
One autumn day, a few years back, Alan and I decided to take a drive up the coast from Half Moon Bay, to Santa Cruz. Along the way, just outside of Pescadero, we saw a lot of smoke coming from a controlled burn that was taking place. As we drove past, I noticed that the scene was producing some interesting shadows, so we decided to stop and do some shots. When I got home, I was quite happy with what I had captured. I dunno... I kind of like it. It has a spooky surreal feeling to it.

"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you got to say, and say it HOT."
~David Herbert Lawrence
This was an experiment in candlelight. What do you think?

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned."
I thought it only fair to also show the tools for putting the HOT out. :)

"The cat, having sat upon a HOT stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. But he won't sit upon a cold stove lid, either."
~Mark Twain
Okay, you knew I had to add something of autumn... right? But don't the colors remind you of cinnamon and nutmeg? Both HOT spices. Both delicious. Both healthy. YUM. :) One thing is true about HOT weather, without it, autumn tends to be a lot less vivid.

Do not wait to strike while the iron is hot; buy make it hot by striking."
~William Butler Yeats
I just had to show off the view from up here in the East Bay hills. That is the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, as a very hot sun sets on the horizon. Just looking at this photo makes me happier than I can say. :)

Okay, that's my round up of all things HOT. Time for you to go see what the other Round Robin participants have posted for this challenge. Just click the link at the beginning to be redirected back to the official Round Robin blog, where you will find the list.
Now, go see what my friend JR has been up to...
http://jrclinephotography.blogspot.com/2012/08/apadf6-89.html (Wednesday)
http://jrclinephotography.blogspot.com/2012/08/apadf6-90.html (Thursday)
http://jrclinephotography.blogspot.com/2012/08/apadf6-91.html (Friday)
~Me :)