"The goal of art was the vital expression of self."
-Alfred Stieglitz
I had fun tip toeing through my archives this week, looking for all the "Almost Photo" I have taken over the years. I titled the one above, "Half A Cow Is Better Then No Cow At All." LOL. I wonder if that is true? Hmmmm?
Here are some of my other favorite, "Almost Photos"...
"Ooooops" Sometimes, in San Francisco, you can be standing perfectly straight, but the world isn't! Thank GOD for tripods!

"The Ghost" I wanted a photo of my new rose, with the new flower buddy I had purchased for it, but instead I got this ghostly image. I liked how it came out, and found some uses for it. It was a photo gone wrong, but not completely wrong.

"The Lonely Carnival" I wish I could have gotten a clearer picture, because I thought it was an interesting picture. I noticed the lack of people in the photo, and it kinda gave me the wiggins. What do you think? Creepy? Boring?

"The Watercolor Flower" Flowers, while beautiful, do not always make for the most cooperative subjects. This lily gave me a ton of problems. Lighting, the wind was blowing it around... it was an experience. Ultimately, I saved the photo because I thought it had a nice watercolor look to it, but as a photo it just doesn't quite make it.

That's it for my Almost Photos, now go and visit the other Round Robin participants! Just follow the links below...
Linking List
Carly... Ellipsis
Karen... Outpost Mavarin
Maryt... Work of the Poet
Jama... Sweet Memories
Freda... Day One
Sandy... From The Heart Of Texas
Monica... Shutterly Happy
Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
Ruth... Scrabble Queen
Duane... Meanwhile...
Peggy... Holmespun Memes and Themes
By the way, we will be announcing out next Round Robin challenge tomorrow, on the official RR blog, so be sure to check back then! Also, we will have a special announcement, so don't miss out!