Friday, May 24, 2024

What About Next Time?


"The vast majority of Americans the risk is very, very low."

 ~Donald Trump
Oval office to the nation,
 restricting travel to most of Europe,
 while creating confusion about trade.

March 20th 2020
If elected, Donald Trump wants to again close the office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. We know what happened the last time this occurred. Covid-19 devastated us, in very short order, and it seems he learned nothing, even after contracting it. At the time, October of 2020, when didn't have the vaccine yet, but we did at least have some general guidelines for keeping ourselves safer. Social distancing, having a single household member doing the shopping for the family, the use of masks, and working from home, and washing your hands more often.You know, common sense stuff! Everyone was at risk when he made that speech, and he knew it! So what will he do with the Avian Flu?
While its rare for that particular flu to spread to humans, it has the ability to do just that, and in fact it has. What will happen next? We don't know! Covid statistics show that we have gotten it under control but do we really? Does it have the potential to spin into another rampage version of itself... one we aren't prepared for because of negligence? Will the next pandemic come at us from out of the blue? How will we know? It's not like he tells the truth! And it's not like the world is seeing any great urgency, because why offend folks who are scared of wearing masks.

"Bottom line, it's going to get worse."

~Dr. Anthony Fauci
 March 20th 2020
Countries Fail To Agree On Treaty
 To Prepare The World For The Next Pandemic

It's not a matter of "if" but "when" a pandemic will begin.

Please do your reading. Do you know what birds are affected by the Avian flu? Most folks are forgetting about what happened with Trump's handling of the Coronavirus pandemic. I haven't. I have Long-Covid. I can't forget, even if I wanted to. Please read the links in this post, and think a little deeper about your vote in November! Please read these quotes in their entirety. They are from just the first few months of the pandemic. Long before he suggested drinking bleach and inserting light as cures for the disease.


This link is an important read also. Just like a with the Coronavirus, misinformation is dangerous, and Trump did nothing to stop it. Watch, and asses who Trump surround himself with. Pay attention.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Grifters Gonna...


"For the love of money
People will steal from their mother
For the love of money
People will rob their own brother"
~The O'Jays
For The Love Of Money
A meal card. With Trump's mugshot puss on it. For $100 dollars. And the only thing that makes this stupid shit different than the black card he issued in 2016 is the fact that it is now made in metal, and it it costs a lot more than the 2016 price of $35 dollars! It's still pretty much useless to the purchaser, but in that Trump now has about a bijillion dollars in legal fees, all proceeds will more than likely go to his legal defense. 
Read the article... do you know anyone who ordered the Trump card back in 2016 and had it actually arrive? 

By Rick Newman
Monday, November 7th, 2016
Yahoo News

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

No Quote Necessary

 His cosplay Blue Suits showed up again on Monday. There is no more time to laugh, or pretend it's just Trump being Trump. He isn't wacky or eccentric, he's insane and he has told everyone his truth, he wants to be a dictator on day one! He wants to rule the world in the style of Hitler. He hasn't been hiding it!
 Please, for God's sake, listen to me, not him. 
Once he takes office... he will never, ever leave!


Monday, May 20, 2024

The Week In Stupid...


He was served by U.S. Marshals at his 80th birthday party in Florida.
From the Indictment...
"This scheme would have deprived Arizona voters
 of their right to vote and have their votes counted." 
 If you're going to be arrested. If you are being told that you are going to be prosecuted for trying to steal an election by not one state, but two, arrogance is not a good idea! The defendants in the Arizona case, including Giuliani, will be arraigned on May 21st. Will he show up?

Time will tell! But really, it would be stupid to not show up!

And then there's this. Trump's posse showing up dressed like Trump! It was some sad, stupid, cosplay. Or was it a nod to Hitler's Brown Shirts? Personally I think it was closer to his sycophants wanting attention from their dear leader. It was another case of the far-right kissing his ass, in a sick contest for being picked as Trump's vice president. How embarrassing for them!
 We live in stupid times. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Diddly Squat

  “Alcoholism, as a disease that ravages the mind and body, often
 becomes intertwined with domestic violence,
 heightening its destructive impact.” 

~Rove Monteux
I grew up in a house with physical and psychological abuse. Both parents did as much as possible to hurt the other. Throwing things, slamming doors, and scream fights so loud that often times neighbors called the police. Mom threatened suicide, and carried out mock attempts, and dad had affairs. But it wasn't all bad, he also provided for us. We had what we needed, and he rarely complained about working, at times overtime. Mom gave me warmest hugs ever, and taught me about animals. It was just all complicated. I am not sure when thins feel apart for my parents, but it existed throughout their marriage. It was sad.
Here, it is pretty apparent. P. Diddy is an abuser. He admits to his alcoholism. He responded to this video with a mea culpa of sorts that mostly blames his problems. I am not sure if he has quite arrived at a place of healing from his demons, and if he hasn't, he will remain a dangerous person to be around. Any woman that is in his life right now, should double think her choices. Especially in that he is also accused of other horrific crimes. He had every chance my family didn't both financially as well as access to mental health professionals. I am not sure why all this is upsetting me the way it does, I was never a fan, but I guess I just wonder why having a life of talent, of having the world in the palm of your hand, rarely leads to happiness. 
It's a mystery to me.