Monday, May 20, 2024

The Week In Stupid...


He was served by U.S. Marshals at his 80th birthday party in Florida.
From the Indictment...
"This scheme would have deprived Arizona voters
 of their right to vote and have their votes counted." 
 If you're going to be arrested. If you are being told that you are going to be prosecuted for trying to steal an election by not one state, but two, arrogance is not a good idea! The defendants in the Arizona case, including Giuliani, will be arraigned on May 21st. Will he show up?

Time will tell! But really, it would be stupid to not show up!

And then there's this. Trump's posse showing up dressed like Trump! It was some sad, stupid, cosplay. Or was it a nod to Hitler's Brown Shirts? Personally I think it was closer to his sycophants wanting attention from their dear leader. It was another case of the far-right kissing his ass, in a sick contest for being picked as Trump's vice president. How embarrassing for them!
 We live in stupid times. 

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