-George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss, 1860
What do you think of when you think of nostalgia? Car hops at restaurants? Drive-in movies? Antique cars? Soda Pop in real glass bottles? Or even Milk in real glass bottles for that matter. :) Sometimes I get nostalgic for things of comfort from my childhood. There were these frozen juice bars that I would buy from the ice-cream truck called, "Missles." They were strawberry, lemon, and orange. YUM. I haven't seen them in years. As I recall, they were delicious, especially on a hot August day.
Can you be nostalgic for something you have never tried or experienced? My whole life I have heard about a tasty little snack cake that is apparently sold only east of the Rockies. Drake's "Ring Dings." I have heard about them in movies, and in magazine articles, even an episode of Seinfeld. You can order them from Amazon.com. A 10 pk for $3.39. I have NO idea why I don't make the big leap and order a box. LOL. I just haven't. But how silly is that? What if I am missing one of the great American cultural experiences? Maybe I will put them on my Amazon.com wish list. LOL.
One thing I do miss however, is the great old greasy hamburgers from my youth. Back before strangers tried to save my life, by insisting that only polyunsaturated oils should be used on the fries I loved. I like it when my burgers are drippy with greasy yumminess. I like my burgers messsssssssy. Half a jar or mayonnaise, red onions, REAL cheese, and sometimes a nice bit of Lea & Perrins steak sauce. I always order my burgers without lettuce, because I am not fond of hot lettuce. Nope, why ruin a perfectly good burger, by adding something healthy to it? I do understand my approach to a good burger isn't the healthiest, so I don't eat them too often this way, but boy when I do...I enjoy every bite.
I think the thing I am most nostalgic for, are Drive-in movies. So many have closed here in Northern California in the last 20 years, the last one being the one located in Union City, California, which made way for the newest uber mall, which contains an uber theater. Sigh. It was fun going to the drive-in. I miss that a lot, but I have been reading here and there, that they are making a comeback. Crossing my fingers, eyes and toes on that one. :)
So tell me, what are nostalgic for? Or better yet, get out your camera and join the Round Robins for our next challenge, "Nostalgia." Our friend Dorn, author of the journal, "Through the Eyes of the Beholder," has chosen this topic for us to take on, and what a great choice it is. :) We can all relate to feelings of nostalgia...right. The date of this challenge will be, Wednesday, September 6th. Please pay a visit to the official Round Robin blog, and read Steven's announcement entry for this challenge. And if you haven't already done so, please welcome him aboard as the newest Round Robin team member! I hope to see you on September 3rd.
"Bob's Big Boy"
Berkeley, California
August 25th, 2006