"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious
as sunshine by staying in the house."
~Nathaniel Hawthorne
The American Notebooks
Seriously, I am going to write about something other than birds and leaves, now that I am back to blogging for the next six months. Other things do actually exist for me. Like what you ask? Well, like baking and using my new air fryer that we bought around/near my birthday. I haven't actually used it yet, but my sweetie husband has made a steak and some sweet potato fries that were to die for! Yum. So, he has inspired me to make something soon. Also, the bread maker is finally unpacked and ready to be used. You remember how much I used it was used in my former life on Alturas.
At one point I think I made some kind of baked item at least every couple days, but until I am less obsessed with birds and leaves, I am afraid this is the course I am on. But hey, it's October, which means vacation has officially begun for 2022. We will be going here are there, and then there is Movieapalosa. This year, I think we broke a record, on DVD purchases. There are at least thirty new movies, just waiting to be seen. Most are horror movies, but we also added some comedies too. Maybe that will be a subject of an upcoming post, how I overspent on vacation. I bet you can't wait! So, into the autumn sunshine I go, and hopefully I will see, and photograph, more beauty than I did the previous day!
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Tuesday's Leaf Of The Day... #13