Monday, October 03, 2022

Looking Deeper Into The Photograph And #12


"It was one of those perfect autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life."
~P.D. James
A Taste For Death 
Clifton Court Forebay

I photographed this amazing Osprey on September 22nd, just hours before autumn was to begin officially. I was giddy with pure joy at the promise that the long, stupid, hot summer was finally over. The golden sun was shining in a cornflower blue sky and there was a surprisingly cool breeze blowing really gentle, it was just enough to cool you, but not to insult you. And there he was... a really big bird I had never seen before. The Osprey. And he was eating a fish, but I didn't notice until yesterday, while going through some photos, because I had been concentrating only on him.
His yellow eyes. His impressive size, especially when his wingspan (5 feet) is out fully. I NEVER saw the fish. There is a real lesson in that, as photographer must ALWAYS be aware of the backgrounds when doing a photo FULL STOP! I neglected to do that, so lesson learned! That was something Steven tried to impress on me, and I really try to do it, but in this case that bird was so amazing, so challenging, so wickedly beautiful that I was completely focused on preserving the moment that the osprey and I made eye contact. It's not an excuse, but it is a reason. Now, isn't it fun that a little autumn magic came into play?
And now a little more autumn magic...




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