"The artist must create a spark before he can make a fire, and before art is born, the artist must be ready to be consumed by the fire of his own creation."
-Auguste Rodin
I LOVE the idea Steven came up for our current challenge. "Offer Three And Shoot One." We are always needing ideas for upcoming Round Robin challenges, and the way he structured this challenge, we not only get some new idea submissions for the challenge pool, but we got to have a little creative freedom, in that we got to choose our own topics this week! It was just a great idea all around!
The idea I chose to share here is, Public Art. The sculpture in the above photo is titled, "Pax Jerusalem." It is by artist, Mark di Suvero. It sits in front of the Legion of Honor, in San Francisco. Personally, I really like this piece, but unfortunately, it has been met with some disdain by those who find it mediocre at best. What do you think? Do you find it pleasing to the eye? What about the color? What about the symmetry? Tell me what you think. :)
Now, here are my ideas for some possible upcoming challenges...
1. Public Art.
Every town across America has something artsy about it. Most cities have a public art program, although it may take a little bit of research to find where all the displays are located. My idea is to seek out the artsy side of the towns we live in or near, post the photo or photos and maybe write a short description of the art and the artist. If there is currently no display of Public Art in your area, then show us how your town decorates to invite visitors to your area. Banners, Welcome signs, etc.
2. Landmarks.
Again, lets take an opportunity to show off our hometowns. I live in the Bay Area, so I have no real shortage of recognizable landmarks, so what I would do is try to show those landmarks in an interesting lighting circumstance, such as a sunset, or under special lighting conditions. But I want to see other places, and the landmarks that make those places so special. A beautifully designed building, an incredible bridge, or a monument of some sort, or maybe even an unusual road sign. It's all good!
3. Food Glorious Food!
We are coming up on the holidays, and lets face it, we all have food in our homes. With the weather beginning to turn to those cold, rainy days, I thought it might be nice to come up with a challenge that we didn't have to necessarily leave the house for. So, take a photo of a lovely meal, you either fix for yourself or your family. You can do one plate or the whole meal. If you want to, you can include a special garnish, and even include a recipe if you feel like sharing, but make the presentation special and inviting to the eye. :) YUM.
Okay, those are my ideas for the future. You know Robins, we can't do it without you, so keep sending in your ideas! Now, go and see what Steven, and all the participating Robins have come up with. It's easy. Just follow the links below. :) You know you want to. ;)
"Pax Jerusalem"
Legion of Honor
San Francisco, California
March 30th, 2005
Linking List
1. Steven... (sometimes photoblog)
2. Carly... Ellipsis
3. Marie... Photographs and Memories Too
4. Nancy... Nancy Luvs Pixs
5. Vicki... Maraca
6. Karen... Outpost Mavarin
7. Gina... Gina's Space