"Autumn. It's crispness, it's anticipation, its melancholia, it's cool breezes replacing summer's heat. It's long days in the field, a harvest festival when works is done, a cheering crowd in a football stadium, chrysanthemums punctuation a somber landscape. It's Halloween high-jinx, pumpkins, grinning toothy smiles, the crack of pecan pressed against pecan. It's the first curls of smoke, fresh blisters from pushing a rake. It's crisp and fresh and mellow and snug, solemn and melancholy. And it's very, very welcome."
Good Housekeeping Magazine
I've been a little down lately, big surprise, right? It's been a touch few weeks leading up to this vacation, but it's time to do some "Looking Up" just in time for this week's edition of #PhotoByRequest subject, "Looking Up." Coincidentally, Karen chose this as our topic, and I am thankful for that, because it gave me a reason to try to pull myself out of the depression I am feeling. I knew starting a new project with my old Pal would be a good idea, and here I am, mood already lifted. I took the photo above, on Tuesday, while I was in Berkeley.
It is a grove eucalyptus trees, that are just behind the Carousel, in Tilden Park. It's one of my favorite places in the park, a place I used to visit often when we still lived there. I miss it. I remember my friend Kat once telling me that when she moved from Berkeley, to the east coast, she found herself missing the smell of eucalyptus. I laughed a bit, because I never thought I would miss it, but guess what? I do. Very much. Funny how we can be so sure about what we will or will not miss, then one day, we are put in the position to fin out just how right... or wrong... we can be! It's all good though, I had a nice visit. It's becoming easier to drop into the Bay Area, without feeling absolutely defeated when I have to leave.
It's now more like simply visiting an old friend,
and that's a nice feeling. Most of these photos you will recognize from previous posts going back to 2004!
Golden Gate Bridge (Fort Baker)
San Francisco Ferry Building
"The Ring" Haight Ashbury
Legs of Haight Ashbury
Altamont Windmills (11/25/16)
#18 Leaf of The Day
October 10th, 2019
Berkeley, California
~Mood: Happy
~Me :)