-Melba Colgrove
RRC: Joy: What Makes Your Heart Happy?
Suggested by Wammy author of the blog, "The Ellis Family Cincinnati."
Joy, happiness, the heart. Those very subjects have been on my mind a lot recently. Partly because of the Go Red For Women movement, and yesterday was, Wear Red Day, but also Valentine's Day is just a week away, and the TV is absolutely saturated with sappy romantic movies, but also because one or two old loves have crossed my mind lately, one in a dream, the other was mentioned to me by a mutual acquaintance. Men! Sheesh. LOL.
But lets stay focused... shall we? What fills my heart with joy? Oh my, well, that's easy, because, you see, I love a variety of sights, sounds and experiences. My camera and I find adventure in photography. The camera can zoom in so close that I can see the tiny hairs on a bumble bee without disturbing it, or take me to the very top of the Golden Gate bridge, so I can see that funny little warning light that alerts the low flying aircraft, up close. It gives me little moments that last forever. Sounds great, right? It is, but sometimes I get a bit obsessive when I am on a roll with my photography, and sometimes I forget to step back into the real world.
The other day, someone mentioned that they hadn't seen me around for a while, and I realized it had been just about 2 years since I had visited my favorite book store. Can you believe it? I had been to book stores mind you, even bought a book or two, but it had been that long since I visited my favorite independent book seller. I hadn't even realized how long it had been, I was just moving on in life. You know? There is a strange disconnect in that I think. But you see, photography fills my heart, every single day, and sometimes there isn't much time for other activities. I am hoping to change that somewhat, by looking for more balance in life. Time for reading, time for photography, time for working out, time for playing with the new babies, and so on.
So, what has had me so busy the last couple years...
Egrets In Autumn...

Summer Days By The Pacific...

Public Art...

Cats With Attitude...

All the things that fill my heart with joy!
Any old autumn day can fill my heart with joy, but especially one that contains pumpkins! LOL. I actually still have 2 pumpkins in my living room right now, left over from last October. Still in good shape, still reminding me of how sensuous autumn is. Autumn makes fills my heart with joy, but so do lots of things, like old friends, and good books, my kittens and my husband. You know... photography has the ability to heal me like nothing else can!
;) How about you? What fills your heart with joy?
I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else came up for this challenge.
Come Blog Jog With Me...
Linking List
Wammy... The Ellis Family Cincinnati
Karen... Outpost Mavarin
Monica... Click Shots
Gwenlyn... Greenchair
Carly... Ellipsis
Suzanne R... SuzyQ421's Photo Blog
Kathy... Through The Viewfinder
Gattina... Keyhole Pictures
Yecap... Camera Obscura
Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff
MavisMolly... Holly On The Run
**Welcome New Member** Posted!
Mojo... Why? What Have You Heard?
**Welcome New Member** Posted!
Marina... Milepebbles
Valerie... Rosemary's Other Baby
Dawn... Dawn's Drivel
Jama... Sweet Memories
maryt/theteach... Work of the Poet
Tj... Tj's Photo Expressions
Teena... It's all about Me!
Ourhomeschool... Through The Eye Of My Camera
Saffron... CV Photographs... Do You See What I See?
Be sure to visit the official Round Robin blog on Sunday, to learn the subject of our next challenge!
Oh, and about the main photo above. You may have read on my blog about how I am hopelessly addicted to Starbuck's, yes, it's true. My favorite drink is the Shaken Ice Tea Lemonade (passion tea) and my favorite snack is the Fruit & Cheese platter. YUM!
Thank you Wammy, this was an amazing challenge, and I learned a lot from it.