-Izaak White
I went to the San Francisco Zoo last week, on a cooler then normal day, which isn't the best time to visit the zoo, because most of the animals were cuddled up and not real animated, but one exhibit I did particularly enjoy was the new bird exhibit, "Binnowee Landing." For an extra $2.00 you can enter the large walk through aviary habitat. Included in the admission, is a feed stick so you can get up close with the birds, as they eat nearly right out of your hand. It was an awesome experience. I was able to get close to the Eastern Rosella, which is a large, colorful parrot, and for about 10 minutes or so, I had a friend in a small, blue parakeet, who sat on the end of the feed stick I was holding, as I walked around the exhibit photographing the other birds. I am getting real good at one handed photography! LOL. The birds in the above photo, are Australian Cockateils. I didn't get a chance on this visit to feed them, maybe next time. :)
Other birds...
Chilean Flamingos
Magellanic Penguin
Eastern Rosella
My friend, the blue parakeet. :)
"At The Zoo"
San Francisco Zoo
August 23rd, 2006