Tuesday, January 21, 2025

I Went On A Winter Walk In My Wheelchair

Cosumnes River Wetlands Walk
Galt, California
January 15th, 2025
“At this season of the year, darkness
 is a more insistent thing than cold.
 The days are short as any dream.” 
~E.B. White
I am slowly finding the beauty of winter. I will never be a winter person, my arthritis and scoliosis won't allow it, but I forgot how interesting shadows can be. I can see more birds because the leaves have all fallen from the trees, although I will post tomorrow about a truly beautiful leaf I found on the Consumes River Wetlands Walk. Winter brings new sounds from the sky. I am up to 69 birds in the file for 2025. That's roughly half of what I go all last year, and I will probably add more tomorrow, when I go to Monterey! I am looking forward to real life for a while. I will be back to posting about politics at some point, but for now, there is winter in the real world.



Monday, January 20, 2025

And Your Point?


“Legal plunder has two roots: One of them,
 as I have said before, is in human greed; 
the other is in false philanthropy.” 
~Frédéric Bastiat,
This happened 10 days ago, and today he becomes president. It doesn't matter, I have given up. I have no more shits to give. If America is this damn stupid, why the actual fuck should I try to change their mind? How dare I! Today, rather than face his disgusting inauguration, I am off to find some new birds for the file, and afterwards enjoy a lovely dinner out with my husband. In other words, I am not going to give him the power I did the last time around. I am going to enjoy my life as much as possible. Oh, I am sure I will vent my anxieties from time to time, but for the most part, I am choosing to be happy!
I am really going to try to be a whole person.
Sigh. God I miss, Dylan.