Galt, California
January 15th, 2025
“At this season of the year, darkness
is a more insistent thing than cold.
The days are short as any dream.”
I am slowly finding the beauty of winter. I will never be a winter person, my arthritis and scoliosis won't allow it, but I forgot how interesting shadows can be. I can see more birds because the leaves have all fallen from the trees, although I will post tomorrow about a truly beautiful leaf I found on the Consumes River Wetlands Walk. Winter brings new sounds from the sky. I am up to 69 birds in the file for 2025. That's roughly half of what I go all last year, and I will probably add more tomorrow, when I go to Monterey! I am looking forward to real life for a while. I will be back to posting about politics at some point, but for now, there is winter in the real world.